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AUC Media Release Parental Consent Form Dear Parent:Please be advised that during the year your child may be photographed, videotaped, or interviewed at various school-sponsored events. With your consent, the photograph, video, interview, audio and/or artifacts may be reproduced and released for use in the media, i.e., newspapers, brochures, videos, television, the Internet, and Archimedean…
AMC Media Release Parental Consent Form Dear Parent:Please be advised that during the year your child may be photographed, videotaped, or interviewed at various school-sponsored events. With your consent, the photograph, video, interview, audio and/or artifacts may be reproduced and released for use in the media, i.e., newspapers, brochures, videos, television, the Internet, and Archimedean…
Archimedean Upper Conservatory Parent / Student Contract & Handbook Acknowledgement Form
Archimedean Middle Conservatory Parent / Student Contract & Handbook Acknowledgement Form
ACC Summer Camp 2024 Online Intensive Greek Registration FormPlease fill out one registration form per child
ACC Summer Camp 2024 On Campus Program Registration FormPlease fill out one registration form per child