Summer Opportunities
High school graduates-to-be beware: Summers are no longer for wasting your time away! Summer Opportunities_Guidance

What to do need to know
- Researchers and professors at local universities, colleges, and institutes
- College websites that list high school student summer opportunities offered
- Non-for-profit organizations, government facilities, and businesses of all types such as public libraries, community centers, homeless shelters, orphanages, retirement communities, local newspapers, advertising agencies, engineering firms, performance arts centers, museums, zoos, hospitals, nursing homes, outreach centers, summer camps, rehabilitation centers, and parks to name a few
- Even family members and friends may know someone you can contact
- (Remember That You Cannot Receive Volunteer Hours Though For Work Done For Family And Friends)
Highly Competitive FREE or Mostly FREE Summer Programs
AIM is a free five-week residential pre-college summer program for minorities designed to augment Kettering University’s efforts to reach a greater number of multicultural students who have a strong interest in the areas of engineering, math, science and business.
- African American, Hispanic and Native American students presently in the 11th grade
- A minimum 3.0 GPA in English, math and chemistry courses
- Two years of high school English; two years of high school algebra or the equivalent preparation; one year of geometry; and one year of high school chemistry with lab.
Camp Rising Sun is a full-scholarship leadership program designed to promote personal growth, leadership skills, a service ethic, and intercultural understanding. We do this by operating the seven-week Camp Rising Sun for teenagers 15 and 16 years old from more than 25 different countries and 10 U.S. states. Each summer, 60 young men and 60 young women practice leadership skills in a supportive community of peers and counselors.
We seek to:
- Foster an appreciation of both diversity and our common humanity
- Expand intellectual horizons and heighten artistic sensibilities
- Develop leadership abilities and self-reliance in a safe environment
- Offer and demonstrate a philosophy of living to serve society through the pursuit of humanitarian goals
By taking leadership roles, each camper learns what it means to be accountable to others and true to their own leadership styles. They learn decision-making, organizational, and problem-solving skills while strengthening their notions of teamwork and group identity.
Deadline Early January.
The Clark Scholar Program is an intensive seven-week summer research program for highly qualified high school juniors (ring seniors) and seniors (recent graduates).
The Program at Texas Tech University helps the Scholars to have a hands-on practical research experience with outstanding and experienced faculty.
- The program includes fun activities, weekly seminars, and field trips.
- International Students are eligible/welcome to apply.
- You must be 17 years of age by the program start date.
Students are selected on the basis of their academic accomplishments, teacher recommendations, and career objectives. For the 2011 program, appointments were very competitive. For example, the average SAT score for the 12 participants was greater than 2276/2400 and PSAT was greater than 223/240.
The program supports research activities in all disciplines that are available at Texas Tech University. Sample areas of research:
Accounting, Advertising, Agriculture Sciences, Animal & Food Sciences, Anthropology, Architecture, Art, Autism, Bilingual Education, Biological Sciences, Business, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Classical and Modern Languages, Communication Studies, Computer Science, Dance, Design, Economics, Education, Electronic Media, Energy, Engineering, Finance, Journalism, Nutritional Sciences, Geosciences, Health/Exercise/Sport Sciences, History, Horticulture, Human Development & Family Studies, Law, Management, Marketing, Mathematics and Statistics, Medicine, Music, Natural Resources Management, Philosophy, Physics and Biophysics, Plant & Soil Sciences, Political Science, Psychology, Public Relations, Social Sciences, Sociology, Theatre Arts, and more.
The program will provide room and board costs during the seven weeks. The Scholars will receive a $750 tax-free stipend and room and board.
Deadline Early/Mid February
Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden offers 6-week paid summer internships
for highly motivated Fairchild Challenge participant high school students, who are interested in plant biology, ecology, and molecular evolution.
Interns will be given a unique opportunity to work with scientists at Fairchild and:
gain laboratory research experience
read and discuss seminal and current scientific literature
learn about the living and natural history collections maintained by Fairchild
publish their research in a scientific journal
All applicants must be at least 16 years of age and have completed their biology coursework in school. Bus passes or equivalent may be provided based on need.
Participation in one of The Fairchild Challenge Exploring Environmental Sciences days is a plus.
Deadline Mid April.
This is a 7-week highly competitive computer science course that embeds classrooms in technology companies and universities. The 20 students accepted learn the fundamentals of computer science – from robotics to how to build a webpage – from 9AM-4PM daily Monday through Friday while gaining exposure to the tech industry and mentorship from women working in technology. The application for our Summer Program opens mid January.
Key programmatic components of the Girls Who Code Immersion Program include:
Skills– Seven weeks of intensive instruction in computer science, robotics, algorithms, web design, and mobile development
Exposure– Speakers, demos, workshops, and presentations from female engineers and entrepreneurs; field trips to technology companies, startups, academic institutions, and more
Mentorship– Top female executives, entrepreneurs, and engineers provide career and academic mentorship
Project-based curricular modules allow participants to build products and develop innovative solutions designed to inspire an interest in and encourage their pursuit of computer science.
Field trips to the tech giants such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, AT&T, Gilt Groupe, Foursquare, and the News Corp allow the young women to envision a future for themselves in this career and begin networking with those in the field.
In addition to providing a free program, we also offer need-based scholarships. Applicants who demonstrate financial need will be considered.
As this is a day program, students must commute to and from the program site each day in Miami. Applicants may apply for transportation stipends to cover the cost of travel to and from the program each day.
Applicants must:
Be current sophomores or juniors in high school.
Possess a U.S. address.
Commute to and from the program every day.
Deadline in Spring – Applications available starting Mid/Late January.
This seven-week, non-residential summer enrichment program for high school students who will be entering 12th grade in the upcoming academic year involves studies in select topics in cellular/molecular biology, physiology, interrelated laboratory experiences, socio-cultural anthropology, computer informatics, and language arts activities which include exercises in problem-solving and comprehension, essay writing, reading, research methods, and decision making. All of the classroom experiences are facilitated by Miller School of Medicine and Coral Gables faculty, as well as graduate students with experience in teaching the sciences. The primary goal of the High School Careers in Medicine Workshop is to cultivate an interest in a career in the health profession among groups who are historically underrepresented in the field of medicine.
Deadline Mid April.
This paid internship is awarded to juniors in good standing from high schools in South Florida. The recipients of the internship will participate in an exciting, and challenging, eight-week research course at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. A Metro-rail, parking pass, or bus pass will be provided for the eight week period. After the application deadline, finalists will be selected for in-person interviews before the final decisions are made. Eligible students must excel in the biological and/or computational sciences and have completed or currently be enrolled in at least one AP or honors science course. Finalists selected for in-person interviews must provide proof of eligibility to work in the US at their interview date. At the end of the eight week period, interns must give a short oral presentation describing their work over the summer at a research luncheon attended by faculty, staff, friends, family, and fellow interns.
Deadline Mid February.
MITES is a rigorous academic enrichment program for promising high school juniors interested in studying and exploring careers in science, engineering, and entrepreneurship. During six weeks in the summer before their senior year, participants tackle advanced academic challenges, develop the skills necessary to achieve success in an increasingly globalized economy, and forge relationships with individuals from diverse racial, ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds. MITES students select five courses out of 14 that closely align with their interests and aptitude. They are expected to become proficient in each subject and to develop skills to comfortably and creatively solve complex problems.
Approximately 30 percent of all MITES graduates have matriculated at MIT and many go on to other prestigious colleges and universities including Harvard, Stanford, and Columbia.
All educational, food and boarding costs are generously covered by our funders. Students only pay for transportation to and from MIT.
Deadline Late January / Early February.
Thanks to the vision and the generosity of the Neubauer family, top students engaged in Hispanic and Latino communities can now participate in select University of Chicago Summer Session courses free of charge. The scholarship covers residential fees and the cost of travel to and from campus.
The Neubauer Family Adelante Summer Scholars program brings talented rising high school seniors to the University of Chicago campus to get an early taste of an exceptional college experience. Students selected will receive a full scholarship to participate in one of two Summer Session courses:
- Collegiate Writing: Awakening Into Consciousness
- Contagion: Infectious Agents and Emerging Diseases.
Even if you don’t plan to study English or Biology in college, being a Neubauer Family Adelante Summer Scholar is a great way to get an early look at college-level classes and get a feel for life on campus–and have a ton of fun in the process. You’ll spend the morning gaining hands-on experience from teachers who are experts in their fields and the evening exploring Chicago with your classmates.
Deadline Mid March.
Notice the picture of our AUC graduates at graduation on the opening webpage? PIP, a popular program for many Archimedean students, is a summer program that allows Miami-Dade students to receive two dual enrollment college courses as a bridging experience to college. FIU provides scholarships to cover the cost of tuition, and fees for six college credits. MDCPS provides the funding for the books required for the “Essay Writing” and “Public Speaking” college courses. The only fee a student pays is the initial application and ID fees. The program is offered every summer coinciding with the university and the local school system summer session, usually during the months of July and August. Students who complete the program and get accepted into FIU are eligible for the Invitational Scholars Program, which includes academic and financial support.
Dual enrollment through the PIP Program is not the typical dual enrollment at FIU. This is much smaller in scope and a more focused academic experience for students who may not meet the requirements of traditional dual enrollment. Students should have at minimum a B GPA (~2.7) to be competitive and meet certain SAT score requirements.
The benefits of the PIP program are:
- Introduces students to the college environment with access to FIU’s resources
- College courses that can boost high school GPA
- Earn six (6) college credits and a college GPA as high school students
- Increased likelihood of into getting to college
- Interactive group research project on colleges and universities
- Informational workshops and speakers that explain the application and financial aid processes
- Additional college counseling, financial aid and scholarship information, and recommendations
- Possible inclusion in FIU’s Invitational Scholars Program
Deadline Rolling in the Spring until Early April.
The ACS Project SEED summer research program opens new doors for economically disadvantaged students to experience what it’s like to be a chemist. Students entering their junior or senior year in high school are given a rare chance to work alongside scientist-mentors on research projects in industrial, academic, and federal laboratories, discovering new career paths as they approach critical turning points in their lives
The program provides opportunities for students who historically lack exposure to scientific careers to spend a summer conducting hands-on research with a scientist in academic, industry, and government research laboratories. For 8 to 10 weeks, SEED students have the unique opportunity to work with scientists, who help them develop laboratory, written and oral skills as they discover that they are capable of conducting scientific research. A SEED program must be available in your location to participate. Mentors also provide guidance, encouragement, and letters of recommendation for college.
Students receive a fellowship award for their efforts and a chance to receive a SEED college scholarship. Scholarships are given to students who will major in a chemical science field such as chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemistry, or materials science.
Academic Requirements
- Students entering their junior or senior year in high school and who have completed at least one high school chemistry course are eligible to apply.
Family Income Requirements
- You must be recognized as economically disadvantaged to be considered for Project SEED.
Interested students must contact the ACS Project SEED office for a SEED Sponsor in your area.
Please call 1-800-227-5558 ex. 4380 or email [email protected].
Deadline End January.
Each summer, 80 of the world’s most accomplished high school students gather at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for the Research Science Institute (RSI). RSI is the first cost-free to students, summer science & engineering program to combine on-campus course work in scientific theory with off-campus work in science and technology research.
Participants experience the entire research cycle from start to finish. They read the most current literature in their field, draft and execute a detailed research plan, and deliver conference-style oral and written reports on their findings.
RSI scholars first participate in a week of intensive STEM classes with accomplished professors. The heart of RSI is the five-week research internship where students conduct individual projects under the tutelage of mentors who are experienced scientists and researchers. During the final week of RSI, students prepare written and oral presentations on their research projects.
Deadline Mid/Late January.
The 6-week Summer Academy for Mathematics and Science at Carnegie Mellon is a rigorous residential summer experience for good students who have a strong interest in math and science and want to become excellent students. Students who are entering their senior year and are considering careers in engineering, science and other math-based disciplines are eligible to apply. The program will focus on creating interest in technical disciplines and building academic and personal skills to better prepare you for the college application process. The goal of the program is to prepare students for admission to selective colleges and universities.
You must be 16 years old to participate in the SAMS program.
Student will have to pay for textbook costs, which vary from year to year. An estimate would be $150-200. On average, students also spend approximately $200 on personal and recreational expenses throughout the summer program.
Deadline Late March/Early April.
The App Academies provided attendees with an opportunity to work with industry leaders, learn the many facets of mobile app development, and find out about the growing world of mobile technology careers. Hundreds of 11th and 12th graders had the opportunity to attend a free Samsung Mobile Academy in six cities across the U.S. last summer, including in Miami. Extended to a full five days of in-person instruction, plus the self-directed App Academy Online courses, the academies were attended by top STEM students of all experience levels interested in the world of mobile app development and coding.
An entrant must meet the eligibility requirements to attend an Academy, which are:
did not attend summer 2012, 2013, or 2014 Samsung Mobile App Academy
will be in 11th or 12th grade during the upcoming 2015–2016 school year
have taken or be enrolled in two or more science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics AP and/or Honors classes
have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and live within a 60-mile radius of the university location of an Academy.
To enter, a student must:
register and fully attend a five-day Academy
complete in good faith all AA Online Courses
submit an Academy App Concept Submission, which will explain a mobile application concept, what functions the application will perform, and how it will benefit the entrant’s community, (health, education, environment, and community investment/sustainability)
All Samsung Mobile App Academy attendees received a Samsung Galaxy Note® 10.1 – 2014 Edition Tablet…and a chance to win up to $20,000 in scholarships!
Deadline Spring.
SRAP provides qualified students with meaningful, hands-on experience in science, mathematics, statistics, and/or engineering research. Research areas may include molecular biology, chemistry, engineering, geology, mathematics, statistics, nursing, botany, and psychology. Most students will work in laboratory settings while others may be engaged in other appropriate research settings, such as libraries and in the field. Ethnic, racial, gender minority and first-generation college-bound students (whose parents did not complete a four-year undergraduate degree) are especially encouraged to apply.
Applicants must have completed their sophomore year in high school by the start of the summer program, and/or be a current junior or senior in high school at the time of application. This is an academically competitive program; therefore, socioeconomic factors are of secondary consideration.
Funding for the program is provided through Wyoming NSF EPSCoR. Each student is paid at a rate of $9.00 per hour, not to exceed $2,160 (minus appropriate taxes) for the 6-week program. Students will be assigned to a University of Wyoming research scientist for an eight-hour workday, five days per week, with a 40-hour maximum workweek.
Wyoming EPSCoR provides salary, room, board meals, program expenses, and group weekend activities only. Each student will be expected to provide for her or his personal and recreational living expenses while in Laramie.
TRAVEL: Students must provide their own transportation to and from Laramie for SRAP. SRAP can pick up or drop off students only at the Laramie airport (LAR) or bus depot. While in Laramie, transportation will be provided for students.
Deadline Mid/Late February.
Students who are in their junior year of high school at the time of application and are interested in a career in scientific research should apply.
Interns will receive a formal orientation and onboarding session. For the majority of the program, interns will learn real-world applications of the scientific method while working on their assigned research project in their mentor’s laboratory. The research experience will be supported by a curriculum of learning activities. These activities include seminars on pertinent cancer topics and professional development activities such as attendance at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute science retreat and visits to local life sciences companies.
Students with an interest in biology, chemistry, physics, or math are able to rank their choice of available projects in:
- Cancer biophysics
- Health behavior/cancer health disparities
- Biostatistics
- Tumor immunology
- Cancer prevention/epidemiology
- Cancer cellular/molecular biology
- Cancer genetics
- Molecular pharmacology and cancer therapeutics
Stipend amounts vary with funding source between $2,240 and $2,520 for the seven-week program. Stipends may be used to cover costs incurred by interns and include food, dormitory lodging (for out-of-town students for ~$25/day), and other incidental costs. The program application fee is $20. Those students accepted into the program pay an additional $50 activity fee. Travel expenses to and from Buffalo and meal costs are not covered by the program.
Applicants must meet all of the following criteria at the time of application:
Enrolled in junior year of high school
U.S. citizen or a U.S. permanent resident
14 years of age or older
Deadline Early January.
Our Pre-College programs will show you what life at Carnegie Mellon is all about – from the classroom to what’s happening on weekends. You’ll meet people from all over the world, be inspired by our world-renowned faculty, take part in the excitement of campus and have the opportunity to explore the city of Pittsburgh.
A limited number of rising high school juniors and seniors may be selected to participate in:
- Architecture
- Art & Design
- Drama
- Music
A National High School Game Academy is also available.
There will be no tuition, housing, or dining fees for students selected to attend Summer Programs for Diversity.
Students must be in high school, have completed their sophomore year, and be 16 to 18 years old at the start of the program.
Deadline Spring.
Barry University’s Summer Science Research Program (SSRP) is a comprehensive three-week research program that immerses rising high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors in life science research while exposing them to the college environment. The program, at no cost to high school students in Broward and Miami-Dade counties, features lectures and workshops on college life and preparation; an authentic inquiry-based science project; state-of-the-art molecular biology methodology; university-style interactive lectures and debates; and science communication. The research culminates in an oral formal presentation by each participant during the Awards Ceremony.
Deadline Mid/Late May
During the school year, coursework at AUC is rigorous and students are encouraged to actively get involved with all the extracurricular activities offered on campus from clubs and honor societies to academic competitions and athletics. However, students may wish to further investigate academic subjects in the summer when extra time allows for further interest exploration.
FIU (for instructions click HERE, for forms HERE) and MDC offer accelerated, college-level courses, which provide students an opportunity to earn high school and college credit simultaneously (grades will become part of permanent high school AND college transcripts).
Students will only be approved to take courses not offered at AUC.
- High school students should note that requested courses are not guaranteed just by applying as college students get first dibs at a spot in each class, high school students being allowed in if open seats remain thereafter.
What are some of the benefits of Dual Enrollment?
- Enriches the course opportunities for outstanding high school students
- Provides students with college credit that is transferable to many colleges or universities
- Improve GPA if you do well
- Prove to college admissions personnel that you are ready to take on college coursework in a similar way that you are doing by taking AP-level coursework
- Grades and credits earned through dual enrollment will become part of the students’ permanent high school and college transcripts
In order to be eligible for participation in the dual enrollment program, a high school student must have
- completed his/her freshman year
- achieved a 3.0 unweighted grade point average or higher
- satisfied any course prerequisites & standardized testing requirements
- received the approval of the high school principal or college counselor
The University/College waives the tuition for high school students. This means participating students shall be exempt from the payment of registration and laboratory fees, though students are responsible for certain fees such as an ID or parking fees.
Deadline for summer dual enrollment late Spring – (Stay tuned for a detailed mass email in the spring by AUC’s College Office when the dual enrollment applications open for the summer term).
The MIT Women’s Technology Program (WTP) is a rigorous four-week summer academic and residential experience where female high school students explore engineering through hands-on classes, labs, and team-based projects in the summer after 11th grade. Students attend WTP in either Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) or Mechanical Engineering (ME).
Deadline Mid January.
YSP is a six-week residential science and mathematics summer program for Florida high school students with significant potential for careers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Each young scholar attends a total of three courses in the fields of mathematics, science, and computer programming
Eligibility: The program is designed for students who have completed the eleventh grade in a Florida public or private high school. A few exceptionally qualified and mature tenth graders have been selected in past years, though this is quite rare.
To be considered for acceptance, applicants must:
- Maintain at least a 3.0 GPA (unweighted)
- Have received a score in the 90th percentile or better in math on a nationally standardized exam (i.e., SAT, PSAT, ACT, or PLAN) before the application deadline
- Be enrolled in or have completed Pre-Calculus
- Be able to commit for the entire six weeks of the program (no exceptions will be made for travel to other summer internship opportunities)
- Maintain a permanent residence in the state of Florida
The Florida State University provides room, board, and tuition for every participant, free of charge. This equates to an automatic scholarship in the amount of over $3,000.00 for each and every student. Students with significant financial need, defined as being unable to attend the Young Scholars Program unless additional support is made available for travel and books, may apply for a supplemental stipend
Deadline Mid February.
Potentially FREE or Reduced Highly Competitive Summer Programs
A three-week intensive summer camp for mathematically gifted students from around the globe. An initiative in response to parents and teachers of bright students who have not yet shone at the Olympiad level, as well as of those who would like to expand what they have learned in programs such as MATHCOUNTS. These talented students wish to hone their problem-solving skills in particular and further their mathematics education in general. Many of our participants seek to improve their performance in contests such as AMC10/12, AIME, or USAMO. Mu Alpha Theta offers grants of up to $2,000 for members.
Deadlines Mid/Late January (Early – Best), Late March (Regular), Early May (Late).
We are looking for mathematically talented students, aged 13 to 18, to join us at Mathcamp. Canada/USA Mathcamp is an intensive 5-week-long summer program for mathematically talented high school students, designed to expose these students to the beauty of advanced mathematical ideas and to new ways of thinking. More than just a summer camp, Mathcamp is a vibrant community, made up of a wide variety of people who share a common love of learning and passion for mathematics. At Mathcamp, students can explore undergraduate and even graduate-level topics while building problem-solving skills that will help them in any field they choose to study.
Mathcamp is free for US and Canadian families with household incomes under $60,000, and need-based financial aid is widely available for middle-income families as well as for international students, including full scholarships.
Deadline Mid March (Early) and Mid April (Regular).
Discovery to Cure offers internship programs for high school juniors, high school teachers, and undergraduates as well as an international clinical and research fellowship for physicians and survivors.
The Discovery to Cure Summer Internship Program was created by Gil Mor, MD, Ph.D., Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences at Yale School of Medicine, in order to expose high-quality students from both local and international high schools to Yale’s laboratories and possibly open their minds to future career opportunities in medicine and biomedical research. Sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the program is 8 weeks long and is offered to motivated high school students following their junior year.
The program is highly competitive (less than 12% acceptance). Several interns have presented their research work at science fairs, including the Connecticut Junior Science and Humanities Symposium at UCONN, the National JSHS, Pfizer Life Science Award, Connecticut State Science Fair, International Science, and Engineering Fair, and the Siemens Westinghouse Science and Technology Competition, achieving semifinalist, finalist and first place status. Approximately 20% of the students have published their findings in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
In order to apply for the Program, students must first be recommended by their science teacher and submit an application along with an essay. Faculty from the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, in consultation with the student’s high school science teachers, select the top students to receive the internship.
All interns are required to give a 10-minute PowerPoint presentation of their research to an audience of peers, mentors, faculty, family, and friends. During the closing ceremony (following the presentations on Friday) interns are presented with a Certificate of Accomplishment and a stipend.
Deadline Late March.
HCSSiM is an intensive six-week encounter with college-level mathematics for talented and highly motivated high school students. It is demanding and expanding. Most students come to HCSSiM after their sophomore or junior years in high school. Recent programs have included students who have just completed their 9th grade and have taken more advanced math.
Participants spend a major portion of each day actively engaged in doing mathematics (not simply learning the results of mathematics).
The daily schedule includes 4 hours of morning classes (Mon-Sat), the pre-supper Prime Time Theorem, and evening problem sessions. Afternoons are devoted to reading, rest, recreation, occasional trips to town, and informal study. Participants have unparalleled access to faculty members in classrooms, at meals, and in the program dorm. Productive collaborations continue long after the program, and many lifelong friendships are forged.
Financial aid decisions are based on need. Financial concerns should not discourage applications, and we will not let money issues prevent a student from accepting an invitation.
Deadline Rolling up until June (First come first serve starting in Winter).
The Miami PREP Summer Program offers interested students a five-week session for students currently in 3rd through 11th grades (rising 4th through 12th graders), who will receive academic enrichment, a taste of college life at FIU, and the opportunity to meet others with similar interests. These attendees engage in daily classes in the areas of transportation engineering, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), computer technology, college, career and financial planning, and recreational activities such as chess and sports. Additionally, students go on field trips to both educational and recreational sites and enjoy presentations by guest speakers working in the transportation and engineering industries.
The program takes place at the FIU Engineering Center.
All applicants pay a minimum one-time registration fee of $25. The cost of the program is $625 for the five weeks, though limited scholarships are available for students in need.
Deadline Late May.
MIT Launch brings together high school students from all over the US and world each summer to MIT campus to become entrepreneurs in a 4-week program. This experience connects students to many of the best entrepreneurial networks and leaders across campus for instruction and best practices, engraining them in the MIT culture of Mens et Manus – mind and hand.
Final Deadline Mid February.
PROMYS is an intensive, six-week, mathematics summer program at Boston University designed to encourage strongly motivated high school students to explore in-depth the creative world of mathematics in a supportive community of peers, counselors, research mathematicians, and visiting scientists.
The Clay Mathematics Institute (CMI) and PROMYS are offering new advanced seminars for returning PROMYS students as well. Returning students also engage in original research under the mentorship of professional mathematicians.
Deadline Late March/Early April.
This summer, take six weeks at Boston University to advance your knowledge and skills in science and engineering by conducting university-level laboratory research with some of the nation’s brightest scientific minds.
Students focused on the sciences and entering their senior year of high school are invited to join. RISE provides two research tracks: Research Internship and, new for 2016, Research Practicum.
Research Internship students tackle individual research projects under the mentorship of distinguished faculty, post-doctoral fellows, and graduate students. Opt for the Internship track, and you will spend forty hours of each week of the program at work on research projects designed by your professor. We offer hands-on research opportunities in the following areas: astronomy, biology, biomedical engineering, chemistry, electrical and computer engineering, mechanical engineering, medical laboratory research, neuroscience, physics, and psychology.
Research Practicum students conduct primary group research with seminars and laboratory activities under the guidance of Boston University faculty. Ideal for students who prefer a structured research environment, the main focus rotating yearly and covering topics such as Molecular Biology to name one. Opt for the Practicum track and you begin your days with a 90-minute pre-lab lecture from your Practicum faculty before continuing with four hours of afternoon lab work. In addition, one day a week, RISE students of both tracks come together for workshops, campus tours, and discussions.
Deadline End February/Early March.
The UF SSTP is a seven-week residential research program for high school students who have completed their junior year and are considering medicine, math, computer, science, or engineering careers. The program’s emphasis is research participation with a UF faculty research scientist and his or her research team.
Students engage in the ongoing research of the faculty mentor for 30 hours each week, attend a lecture series on current research topics, and participate in a UF honors seminar class. Students enrolled in a Florida high school have the option to earn dual enrollment credit.
UF SSTP alumni have gone on to attend the University of Florida and other prestigious universities such as Harvard, Oxford, Johns Hopkins, and Stanford. They have become doctors, researchers, educators, engineers, and CEO’s of their own companies.
Deadline Rolling, starting in December.
Today’s most promising high school students will be tomorrow’s scientists and engineers, doctors, and entrepreneurs – the people who invent the future. Each summer since 1959, highly gifted and motivated high school students have come to the Summer Science Program to immerse themselves in hands-on, experimental science relating to astronomy and physics, and to live and work with their intellectual peers for the first time.
This residential enrichment program is designed to challenge highly gifted high school students (rising seniors) from around the world with hands-on research is currently held on two campuses: New Mexico Tech and Univ. of Colorado Boulder, with 36 participants per campus. SSP is one of the longest-running (since 1959) and most prestigious pre-college programs.
Each team performs a complete, hands-on project. Extracurricular, recreational, and social activities, including field trips and a guest lecture series, round out the packed 39-day schedule.
If the fee is more than your family can afford, don’t be discouraged. It is free to apply, and we award generous financial aid up to the full program fee plus up to $500 for airfare.
Deadline Early March.
The UF Young Entrepreneurs for Leadership & Sustainability summer program gives college-bound high school students the opportunity to live, work, eat, and play on the campus of the University of Florida for four weeks each summer while learning about entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship, being inspired to solve social problems, and practicing sustainability. We empower students to become leaders and changemakers.
Students will complete at least 60 hours of community service, required for graduations and Bright Futures Scholarships in Florida, with students also completing two dual enrollment college-level courses, which will earn them both high school and college credit, counting in their high school and college GPA:
ENT4934 – Exploring Entrepreneurship
SYG2010 – Social Problems & Solutions
Application fee: $50 (This fee is non-refundable, but may be waived for students with financial need.).
2016 Program fee: $5,500 (a $500 deposit is required to confirm participation in the program).
The Program Fee covers participation in two college courses and course materials, housing in a student residence hall, an unlimited meal pass, field trips, community service, and most activities for the duration of the 4-week program.
Textbooks for dual enrolling public school students will be covered by their school district and must be returned to their high school at the conclusion of the program
Personal spending money ($100 – $200) for the program should be sufficient. Transportation costs for travel to and from Gainesville (at the beginning and end of the program) are the responsibility of the students and their families.
If you are interested in the Young Entrepreneurs for Leadership & Sustainability: Summer Program for High School Students at UF, we strongly encourage you to apply. Full and Partial Scholarships are available to a limited number of students who demonstrate financial need and whose academic performance has been outstanding.
Deadline Late February/Early March(rolling thereafter if space is available through financial aid may no longer be available this late)
Additional Competitive &/or Popular Summer Programs
The Simons Summer Research Program gives academically talented, motivated high school students who are between their junior & senior years the opportunity to engage in hands-on research in science, math, or engineering at Stony Brook University. Simons Fellows are matched with Stony Brook faculty mentors, join a research group or team, and assume responsibility for a project. The Simons Fellows conclude their apprenticeship by producing a written research abstract and a research poster. In addition to learning valuable techniques and experiencing life at a major research university, Simons Fellows attend weekly faculty research talks and participate in special workshops, tours, and events.
Students interested in science who have demonstrated independence, creativity, and an aptitude for doing hands-on work are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants must currently be in their junior year (11th grade) of high school (no exceptions); must be US citizens and/or permanent residents, and must be at least 16 years of age by the start of the program. Percentage of students admitted: about 12%.
Nomination by your school is required. Submission of more than 3 nominations per school will result in disqualification of all candidates.
Residential fees amount to $2709 (includes $1849 housing fee for program duration). In addition, all high school-aged students living in campus housing must also enroll in a mandatory meal plan at a minimum buy-in of $20/day (~$860 for the program.)
At the closing poster symposium, students are presented with a $1,000 stipend award.
Deadline Mid/End January
SEAP places academically talented high school students with interest and ability in science and mathematics as apprentices in Department of Navy (DoN) laboratories for eight weeks during the summer. These students work with scientists and engineers who act as mentors. The program offers students a unique and positive experience in their fields of interest, thus encouraging them to pursue careers in science and engineering.
Eligibility Requirements
- High school students who have completed at least Grade 9. A graduating senior is eligible to apply
- Must be 16 years of age for most laboratories. Some laboratories may accept a 15-year-old applicant. Please check the individual lab description for more details.
- Applicants must be US citizens and participation by Permanent Resident Aliens is limited. Please check individual lab descriptions for participation of Permanent Resident Aliens.
- Dual citizens may be accepted at some labs, but not all. Interested students should contact the individual labs to determine if dual citizens may apply.
- Award Duration and Stipend
The stipend amount for new students will be $3,300 for the 8 weeks. Returning students will receive $3,800 for the 8 weeks.
No, acquiring housing for the duration of the program is the responsibility of the student. It is strongly recommended to apply to laboratories that are close to your residence. No travel/relocation allowance will be provided. Navy host personnel and lab coordinators may be able to assist you in finding suitable housing and should be contacted directly with inquiries.
Deadline Early December.
LITE is a two-week residential program created by Kettering University to introduce 11th-grade girls to what engineers do and how they significantly improve people’s lives by applying math, science, and technology to human problems. You’ll see how they help prevent injuries by designing products like airbags and baby car seats and testing them with crash test dummies. You’ll learn how they repair joints, limbs, and organs by making replacements that are functional and durable. You’ll learn about how the design choices that engineers make when producing products have important impacts on the workers who build them, the consumers who buy them, and the environment we all live in. And, you’ll find out how engineers help solve crimes by combining science and technology. By the end of the program, you’ll know how you can make a difference in the real world through engineering. A degree in engineering prepares students for advanced study and careers in business, medicine, law, and education.
Eligibility Requirements
Female students who will have completed 11th grade
Female students who have displayed a strong interest in science and math
A 3.0 grade-point average
There is no cost to apply. If accepted, you will be asked to pay a $1500 program fee. (Financial aid is available; contact the Director for information.)
Deadline Early May.
CDC Disease Detective Camp (DDC) is an educational program started by CDC′s David J. Sencer CDC Museum in 2005 as a mechanism for developing a public health camp curriculum for state and county health departments. The camp is open to upcoming high school juniors and seniors and is held at CDC’s headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia.
The CDC Disease Detective Camp teaches attendees the fundamentals of CDC’s work: the field of public health and the science of epidemiology. Public health is a vast field that covers many aspects of keeping populations of people healthy. It includes, but is not limited to, research, data collection, data analysis, and health education. Epidemiology, the systematic study of diseases in populations, is one of the sciences used at CDC to help improve the public’s health.
Over the course of five days, campers will take on the role of disease detectives and learn first–hand how the CDC safeguards the nation′s health. Teams will probe a disease outbreak using epidemiologic and laboratory skills and report their findings to a group of CDC scientists. Activities may include short lectures by CDC experts, a mock press conference in the CDC press room, and a look behind the scenes of the CDC.
There is no cost associated with attending the CDC Disease Detective Camp, but campers will need to pay for or bring their own lunches. Non-Atlanta residents may apply for the camp but are responsible for providing their own accommodations and transportation.
Deadline Late March/Early April.
AUC Owl & Local Volunteer Spots
High School students interested in volunteering in engineering and STEM-related fields should consider volunteering as a counselor at FIU’s Miami PREP Summer Program, which offers students currently in 9th through 11th grades the opportunity to obtain community service/volunteer hours that serve to meet their high school graduation and college scholarship requirements. These student volunteers assist the summer program’s teachers and Miami PREP students throughout the various classes students enrolled in the summer program follow.
At the end of the summer, volunteer counselors and assistants receive official documentation certifying their community service hours.
Deadline Early/Late May.
We are excited and want to thank you for your interest in wanting to volunteer at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, formerly Miami Children’s Hospital. Volunteers contribute in many ways providing comfort, care, and unexpected joy to the children and families in the hospital, as well as supporting the professional staff.
High School Teens – Summer Program Commitment
- Volunteer up to 2 times a week in a three-hour shift
- 1 week off allowed during the full summer commitment period
- Begins the week after school ends, thru the last week before school begins
High School Teens – Full Academic Year Commitment
- Non-Patient and Limited Patient Areas
- Volunteer weekly in a three-hour shift
- 2 Absences allowed in a 3 month period of time
- Begins in September through the end of the school year in May/June
Applications Must be submitted along with the following:
- Most recent report cards (All academic grades must be C or better and Conduct Grades must be B or better to be eligible for the program)
- Copy of birth certificates or proof of age (14 years of age minimum requirement)
- Documentation of Measles, Rubella (MMR) & Chicken Pox
NOTE: Due to the high level of applications we receive year-round, the deadline dates do not guarantee a position. Qualified applicants are invited on a first-come basis; therefore we recommend you submit your completed application early.
Deadline Late July/Early August for the Academic Year Commitment
Deadline Mid March for the Summer Commitment
Comprehensive List of Math-Based Summer Programs
A strong understanding of mathematics remains essential to keeping student’s career doors and college major options open, it is essential to so many fields, including medicine, engineering, business, psychology, statistics, finance, epidemiology, astronomy, economics, ecology, physics, logistics, chemistry, marketing, politics, sociology and more.
Though students thankfully get an in-depth and much broader education in mathematics at Archimedean than most high school students, those wishing to delve still deeper into mathematical areas and impress college admissions personnel with their mathematical talents should look into the compilation of national mathematics programs when planning their summers.
A Sampling of Additional Summer Programs Around the Nation
Archimedean students may earn Dual Enrollment or Advanced Placement Credit for all courses NOT offered at Archimedean as an A.P. course at Florida state universities and community colleges ONLY.
- Students interested in courses in summer programs already offered as part of AUC’s curriculum are required to take these AP courses in house and should choose a different course to follow in their summer program to enrich their high school record and not show repetition.
- Courses taken at private universities and colleges, though not able to be included in the student’s high school transcript, are nonetheless valuable enriching experiences that are highlighted in the student’s resume and college applications.
Summer Programs for High School Students
Programs offered in Astronomy, Creative Writing, Theater, and Swimming.
Computer Engineering Camp
Studies offered through the Summer Engineering Institute.
College of Business Summer Institute in Entrepreneurial Leadership
Residential Summer English Equestrian Camp
For riders ages 14-17. Also 2-day camps in western and English riding for campers ages 9-16.
The information available Here or at 607-587-9012.
“Operation Enterprise”
Three 8-day residential programs at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, at George Washington U., Washington, DC, and at Columbia U., NYC.
Study Intro. to Management, Business Writing, Communication Skills, Ethics, Negotiation, Presentation Skills, etc…
Information available at 800-634-4262 or Here
Summer Institute for the Gifted
SIG provides academically advanced students with an interesting and challenging educational experience. The program combines remarkable academic courses with cultural, social, and recreational opportunities.
Courses available in Math & Science, Multi-Disciplinary courses, Visual & Performing Arts, and Fitness and Recreation.
Applicants must be gifted or score in the 95th percentile on national tests, or gifted range on the SAT, ACT, or PSAT.
The information available at 1-866-303-4744 ext.5159 or Here
“Camp Shakespeare”
Working theatre professionals and educators introduce students to Shakespeare’s Language. Explore literature, theatre, history, and the art of acting with professional artists. Workshops review acting, voice and speech, dance/clown/mask, and stage combat.
Information available at 877-272-2342 or Here
The Summer in New York City Pre-College Program
The four-week program, one-week Liberal Arts Intensive.
All programs open to students who have completed 10th or 11th grade.
Information available Here or call 212-854-8866
High School Honors Program
Many for-credit courses including Anthropology, Archaeology, Art History, Astronomy, Communication, Computer Science, Economics, Film & Television, Math & Statistics, Political Science, Theatre, Visual Arts, Writing, etc…
Summer Challenge Program
Various non-credit courses are available e.g. Abnormal Psychology, Business, Creative Writing, Ecology, Engineering, Law, Infectious Diseases, Introduction to Chinese, Persuasive Writing.
Information available at 617-353-13 or Here
High School Honors Program
Classes in Leadership and Civil Rights Movement, Leadership & Global Development, Leadership for Social Change, Leadership & Conflict Resolution, Leadership & Global Health, Sustainable Development, Field Ecology, etc…
Information available at 401-863-7900 or
Kids on Campus
Art Expressions, Decathlon Camp, Digital Video, Finance & Corporations, Musical Theater Summer Workshop, PC Maintenance Repair, Young Actors Workshop, etc…
Information available Here
Science & Technology Leadership Academy
Learn effective research techniques, & electronic searches. Study geographic information systems, meteorology, biology, environmental science, etc…
Information available at 724 938-5840 or Here
Pre-College Scholars Program Programs
At the Center for Talent Development study Computer Game Programming, Chemistry, Creative Writing, Engineering Concepts, Genetics, Physics, Psychology, Robotics, etc…
Many classes to choose from including Arabic, Anthropology, Nutrition, Biomedical Engineering, Cognitive Science, Ethnic Studies, Computer Engineering, Geology, Religious, Sociology, Theater, Women’s Studies and more.
Information available Here
Experiences in Architecture
Summer College
Engineering New Frontiers programs.
Join both high school and undergraduate students in class to become immersed in college life and get a head start on your college career before finishing high school.
Information available at 202-319-5786 or Here
Summer Science, Engineering, & Architecture Program
Many courses available including Architecture Studio, DNA Science, Engineering Graphics, Intro to Computational Science, Beyond the ER, Bioengineering, Exploring Engineering Technology, Everyday Chemistry, etc…
Information available at 864-656-5849 or Here
Pre-Collegiate Summer Program in Early American History
Two Sessions. Earn 4 hours of college credit studying: From the Founding of Jamestown through the American Revolution or: From the American Revolution through the American Civil War.
Information available at 757-221-7652 or Here
High School Summer Programs
Study in New York, Barcelona, or the Middle East! Study Sciences, Law, Business, Engineering, Politics, Arts, College Prep, Liberal Arts.
Information available at 212-854-3771 or Here
Variety of courses at various universities such as Diplomacy & International Affairs, Theater Arts, Forensics: Crime Scene Investigation, Law & Trial Advocacy, Engineering, Science & Robotics, Global Business & Entrepreneurship, Aviation & Aeronautics, etc…
Information available at 1-866-FYI-LEAD or Here
Summer College Programs for High School Students
During 3 and 6 week sessions, study Architecture, Art, Business, College Success, Computing & Information Science, Engineering, Humanities, Law & Politics, Life Sciences, Media, Medicine, Science, & Biological Research, Psychology, Veterinary Medicine, & Writing.
Information available at 607-255-6203 or Here
Web Design and Computer Programming
Courses include Web Design, Advanced Web Design, Computer Graphics, Intro. to Programming with C++, Advanced Programming with Java, VB.NET Programming.
Information available at 215-489-4970 or Here
The Jonathan R. Reynolds Young Writers Workshop
Information available Here
Summer Video Institute
Study Digital Movie Making, shoot and edit films of your own creation.
TV/Film Program
Information available at 610-282-1100 or Here
Discovering Architecture Summer Program
For two intensive weeks, while living on campus at Drexel University, you’ll experience what it’s like to study architecture in college. You’ll attend classes in studios and computer labs. You’ll go on field trips to significant architectural sites in Philadelphia, hear lectures by distinguished speakers, and, work closely with instructors. You’ll try your hand at architectural design.
Drexel University Computing Academy (DUCA)
DUCA is a five-week, residential summer learning experience at Drexel University. Through DUCA, students share an authentic college experience, exploring information technology and computer science through interactive classes, group projects and labs while living on Drexel’s campus. The program is open to current high school sophomores and juniors from anywhere in the U.S.
Students who successfully complete DUCA and subsequently enroll at Drexel University will receive a $3,000 renewable scholarship.
Summer Music Technology Program (SMT)
This program is an innovative, one-week learning experience that provides twenty high school sophomores and juniors with a unique opportunity to learn about music production technology and digital audio from Drexel faculty and students. This program approaches music and audio technology from the perspective of engineering, mathematics and science.
This program is designed for commuterstudents. Students will participate in activities from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm daily in Drexel classrooms and laboratories.
There is no cost for participation in the SMT program.
Pre-College Credit Programs
Choose from programs in Animation, Fiction and Magazine Writing, Film Production, Film Writing, and Performance
Pre-College Studio Non-Credit Programs
Choose from programs in Acting, Musical Theatre, Stage Design Studio, Studio Television Writing and Production, Filmmakers Studio, and Creative Writers Workshop.
Summer Journalism Institute
Spend two weeks developing basic journalistic techniques and approaches to produce journalism in a variety of formats. This residential program is for high school students who have a passion for the news, storytelling, and communicating.
Political Communication Leadership Institute
Spend one-week exploring topics and approaches suitable for public service, social advocacy, civic engagement, crisis management, public policy, politics, and communicating with media in this one-week residential program.
Information available at 617-824-8280 or Here
Mini-Medical School Experience
Introduces students to college life and FSU College of Medicine. Inspires students to work with medically underserved patients. Offers opportunities to enhance knowledge and skills in the field of medicine.
Opportunities and Activities include Physician Shadowing, Medical Faculty Workshops, Test Preparation (ACT and SAT), Admission and Financial Aid Seminars, Research Project on a Health Topic, Medical Ethics Discussion
The FSU College of Medicine Summer Institute is open to students who have completed their sophomore or junior year of high school. Applicants will be selected on the following criteria: 3.3-grade point average (minimum), Performance in college-preparatory math and science courses, Essay (500-word minimum), and Letters of recommendation from teacher and guidance counselor.
Summer Session at Fordham University
Course Options include Sports Communications, Anthropology, Philosophy of Human Nature, Music History, Art History, Computer Science, Composition, Modern American War in Film and Literature, Latin American History, Finite Mathematics, Applied Calculus I, Alchemy to Astrophysics, Politics, Cultural Anthropology, Acting etc…
Information available at 718-817-4688 or Here
Service Learning in Public Policy (SLIPP)
Choose from programs in Public Health Policy, Environmental Policy, Legal Policy, and College Application Success Strategies.
Join us for an exceptional leadership program designed to educate, inspire and prepare academically-motivated high school students. The program curriculum is based on Project Citizen, a national civics education program developed by the Center of Civic Education and funded by the U.S. Congress through the U.S. Department of Education. This award-winning curriculum educates and empowers students so that they can monitor and engage students through active participation in their government. Six-day program.
Information at 610-933-8825 or Here
Summer Scholars Program
Study Graphic Design, FUTube: Video for the Web, Theater, Writing about Film, Mock Trial, Psychology, Spanish, French, Googling Earth, Ecological Identity, etc…
Information 864-294-2054 or Here
Pre-College Program
10-Day mini-courses for students in grades 9-11 and 1, 3, and 6-week programs for seniors.
Study Contemporary Documentary Photography, Creative Nonfiction, Photojournalism: Media in Focus, Writing the City, Crime and Justice, Election Politics, and Biomedical Engineering. U.S. Foreign Policy, Going Green: Service and Policy, Theater: Onstage & Off, Robotics, Writing Seminar, take Undergraduate Courses for credit, enjoy Academic Exploration, experience College Life.
Information available 202-242-6802 or Here
Summer Program for High School Students
Whether you’re seeking college credit, exploring a new interest or want to experience campus life firsthand, you are certain to find a program at Georgetown.
Choose from programs in Arabic Language and Culture, Broadcast Journalism, Chinese Language and Culture, Congressional Affairs, Creative Writing, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Science, Forensic Science, International Relations, Law, Leadership and Ethics, Medicine, National Security and Counter-intelligence, Sports Industry Management, Fundamentals of Business: Leadership in a Global Economy, Fundamentals of English: Expository Writing, Fundamentals of Law, Fundamentals of Politics: Campaigns and Polling, Fundamentals of Science: Introduction to Bio-Medicine. Wide variety of courses available.
Information available: 202 687-8600 or Here
JSA (Junior Statesmen of America) Summer School
A challenging, dynamic academic experience for students who have a passion for making a difference. With programs at three of the most prestigious universities in the world, Georgetown, Stanford, and Princeton, the Junior Statesmen Summer School provide an advanced college curriculum, dynamic skills-based leadership activities, and interactive sessions with prominent politicians, journalists, academicians, and other opinion leaders.
A Rigorous Curriculum is at the heart of the Summer School. Designed with today’s student leaders in mind, the program includes an in-depth introduction to U.S. government, U.S. history, politics, and public speaking. Classes meet six days a week, and the collegiate environment stresses substantial reading, research, and writing.
Constitutional Law, International Relations, Speech & Political Communication, Media & Politics, Freshman Scholars, Modern Chinese History and Government Since 1920, Basic Chinese Language and Culture
Be a part of the new spirit of political engagement that is sweeping the country. Explore today’s pressing policy challenges with the decision-makers who are shaping the future. Junior Statesmen Institutes create an interactive learning environment with elected officials, policymakers, business leaders, journalists, lobbyists, and others. You’ll gain an understanding of how government works and learn how you can get involved all while sharing opinions and solutions with other high school students during experiential activities. Join other politically aware and active students at these 3- or 4-day political Institute programs
JSA Diplomat Program in Beijing
For over 75 years, JSA has prepared young people to thrive in our increasingly interconnected world. Our international programs prepare young leaders for college and provide them with the “21st Century skills” they need to be successful in our global economy.
Our flagship educational offering is the JSA Diplomat Program in Beijing, China. In this month-long Summer program, students learn through hands-on exploration of the history and diversity of modern China. Hosted on the campus of one of China’s premier Universities, the JSA Diplomat program aims to provide America’s future leaders with the skills to represent their country effectively on global issues. During the month-long session, students can earn college credit in courses in Chinese history and language. They also develop leadership skills through interactions with Chinese and American officials on political, economic, and social issues.
High School Students Experience Gettysburg
Now in its 28th year, the Gettysburg College Civil War Institute (CWI) brings together the world’s foremost Civil War scholars for a weeklong examination of one of the war’s major themes. It is a week filled with lectures, panel discussions, battlefield tours, and friendship.
Summer School Secondary School Program
Choose from 200 college courses including such courses as Neurobiology, The Essay, Acting Workshop: Shakespeare, Building Dynamic Websites, Multivariable Calculus, Wit and Humor, Mobile Robot and Embedded Programming, Visual and Environmental Studies, Women, Gender, and Sexuality, South Asian Studies, Sociology, Slavic Languages, Ukrainian, Sanskrit, Russian, Religion, Portuguese, Museum Studies, Music, Management, Literature, Latin, Journalism, Japanese, Information Systems, History of Science, History of Art and Architecture, Hindi, Greek, German Languages, French, Engineering Sciences, Education, Dramatic Arts, East Asian Civilizations, Classics, Celtic Languages, Biotechnology, Arabic, Astronomy, Archeology, Anthropology, African Studies and more
Information available at 617-495-3192 or Here
Summer Science Research Program
Offers high school students opportunities in science research under the guidance of professionals in science and mathematics. The program runs from July through August culminating in a science “poster session” in early Fall where students display the work they performed during the summer. Students will be selected for this program on the basis of their high school science experience, a personal interview, and, above all, the high school teacher’s recommendation.
High school students who have completed their junior year may register for certain introductory courses for which all prerequisites have been met. It is strongly recommended that high school students discuss their plans in advance with their guidance counselors. High school students apply through the Office of Undergraduate Admission.
Summer Session II: July – August
Summer Session III: August
Take courses such as Stars and Galaxies, Human Biology, Western Lit, American Literary Identity, American Fiction, 1900-1950, Digital Photography, French, Western Civilization II, Civilization 1, World War I, Italian, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies, Gay Short Stories, Spanish, Speech Communication, Rhetoric, and Performance Studies, and Shakespeare’s Comedy.
Not only will you be able to make your own documentary movie, but you will get paid to do so. Each student that completes a film will receive a generous stipend. Now that is a great summer job!
This program isn’t for filmmakers only. We will teach you everything you need to know. We want the brightest, most interesting students possible. We want students who want to explore the cultural, political and social aspects of being a teenager in a culturally diverse world. So whether your interests lie in history, psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science, or filmmaking, we are interested in hearing from you.
High School Journalism Institute
This summer, Hofstra University’s School of Communication offers a FREE two-week journalism program for high school students to learn journalism skills.
Ten motivated and promising students from diverse ethnic and economic backgrounds will be chosen to report on stories about some of the important issues facing their hometowns, families and Long Island. Besides basic research and reporting, students will learn how to shoot and edit web video, design a web site, use social media for journalist purposes, and other multimedia skills.
The program, taught by Hofstra’s award-winning faculty, will include guest lectures from professional journalists and visits to such places as Newsday, News 12, and the Nassau County courthouse.
Hofstra University’s two-week Summer Writers Program, a cooperative endeavor of the Creative Writing Program, the English Department, and Hofstra University Continuing Education (Hofstra CE), offers eight classes, which may be taken on a noncredit or credit basis, for both graduate and undergraduate students.
Led by master writers, the Summer Writing Program operates on the principle that true writing talent can be developed, nurtured, and encouraged by writer-in-residence mentors. Through instruction, discussion, criticism, and free exchange among the program members, writers begin to find their voice and their style. The program provides group and individual sessions for each writer. The Summer Writing Program includes a banquet, guest speakers, and exposure to authors such as Oscar Hijuelos, Robert Olen Butler (both Pulitzer Prize winners), Maurice Sendak, Cynthia Ozick, Nora Sayre, and Denise Levertov. Often agents, editors, and publishers make presentations during the conference, and authors and students read from published work and work in progress.
A four-week program featuring courses in Political Science, Forensic Science, and Drama (Fundamentals of Acting).
Information available at 1-800-HOFSTRA
Summer Honors Program for High School Students
The Cook Honors College hosts IUP’s Summer Honors Program (SHP) where talented rising high school juniors and seniors get a first-hand look at life on campus. It’s a unique opportunity to explore college classes. You’ll make new friends, learn more about higher education and feel a connection with other scholars. Study Biochemistry, Business, Chemistry, English Education, Harry Potter Ethics, Humor Writing, Shakespeare, Forensics, Journalism & Public Relations, Law: Amend the Constitution, Graph Mathematics, Patterns, Puzzles and Numbers, Political Science, Voice.
Information available at 1-800-487-9122 or Here
Summer College for High School Students
Five Week Program – Primarily Juniors
Three Week Program – Sophomores & Juniors
Students love their classes, stay up late, and enjoy trips, picnics, movies, concerts, talent shows, and other events both planned and spontaneous. Most importantly, our summer college alumni report they were better prepared for a successful transition to college.
Wide variety of courses including Intro. to Sport Management, Health Sciences, Acting, Intro. to Musical Theater Performance, Intro to Journalism; and Mini-Courses in Sports Media, Stand-up comedy, Writing the Short Story, Leadership, and Jazz Guitar.
Information available at 607-274-3143 or Here
Summer Science at Jefferson aims to foster an appreciation of the role of science in everyday life, to promote an informed understanding of scientific issues that make daily headlines, and to familiarize young people of all backgrounds with the vital and expanding field of biomedical research. Areas of study include cell biology, molecular biology, cellular pathology, and the biology of disease. Students learn laboratory techniques such as cell culture, DNA sequencing, and PCR (polymerase chain reaction, a technique used to amplify DNA). They discover how these techniques are applied to such diverse purposes as criminal investigations, paternity testing, disease diagnosis, and the development of new pharmaceutical products.
Housing NOT available.
Pre-College Summer Programs
5-week program offering up to 7 credits. Immersion style classes offered in more than 80 college-level courses such as Indigenous Issues Today, Commodities and Comforts: The Anthropology of Mass and Popular Culture, Discourses in the African Diaspora, Discrete Mathematics, Arabic, Photoshop and the Digital Darkroom, Art of Architecture, Painting Workshop, Introduction to Biological Molecules, Love, War, and Glory: The Gods and Heroes of Greek Mythology, The Grandeur That Was Rome, Programming, Foundations of Computer-Integrated Surgery, Introduction to Asian Philosophy, Radical Politics and the English Novel, American Comedy Classics, Italian, German, French, Cinema in Spain and Latin America, Discover Hopkins Health Studies: Mind, Brain and Beauty, Introduction to Philosophy of Physics, Religion and/or Science? etc…
Discover Hopkins Programs
Offering 1 credit. Expose yourself to topics from different perspectives.
Programs offered for residential students in the following topic areas: Archeology, Cognitive Science, Environmental Studies, Health Studies, and Politics.
Information available at 1-800 548-0548 or Here
Career Explorations program
Discover what it’s like to work in areas of business, culinary arts, hospitality, or technology. Campuses in Providence, RI, North Miami, FL, Denver, CO, Charlotte, NC. Program offerings vary by campus – Business (e.g. Creative Advertising, Criminal Justice, Equine Studies), Hospitality (e.g. Sports/Entertainment/Event Management), Culinary (Culinary Arts, Baking & Pastry Arts).
Information for Providence 1-800-342-5598 or Here
Summer Program for High School Students Who Learn Differently
3-Week Summer Programs for Rising Juniors and Seniors in High School Landmark College’s summer programs in Vermont and Oregon offer high school students who learn differently the opportunity to discover and practice academic skills and strategies that improve their ability to learn. Students experience the excitement of college life, take courses with experienced faculty, and enjoy an unforgettable life-changing summer in one of our two beautiful rustic settings.
Students are not required to have a diagnosed learning disability to participate in Landmark’s summer programs.
Our summer faculty will help students begin to understand individual learning differences, develop a writing process that uses proven techniques to write faster, more clearly and with fewer struggles, integrate strategies and practices into content courses, and begin to focus on the development of better daily habits. Work on Writing Skills, Study Skills, Communications Skills, Math Skills.
Information available 802-387-6718 or Here
Daniel Fox Youth Scholars Institute Programs
Enroll in YSI and spend a week experiencing life at a college known for its atmosphere of academic excellence and personal attention—a college chosen by U.S. News & World Report as one of the top-ranked school in the North in the ‘Great Schools, Great Prices’ Category and by The Princeton Review as one of the “Best Northeastern Colleges.”
Choose from a wide variety of programs such as Contemporary Printmaking, Music Entrepreneurship, Lies My History Teacher Told Me, Food or Frankenfood, Psychology of Criminal Behavior, Developing Leadership, etc…
Information available 1-877-877-0423 or Here
Annual Summer Music Camp
Come to Lebanon Valley College in south-central Pennsylvania for a fun and rewarding music camp experience! It’s all about making good music and lasting friendships. That’s why so many of our first-time campers return year after year.
Program offerings include concert ban/wind ensemble, string orchestra, piano, guitar/bass, music theater vocal performance workshop, etc…
Information available 717-867-6293 or Here
Summer Sessions
Courses for high school students including Architecture, African Studies, Art, Civil Engineering, Cognitive Science, Design, Japanese, Earth Science, Design, Teaching, Entrepreneurship, International Relations, Health, Medicine, & Society, Religion, Theatre and more
Information available at 610-758-3966 or Here
Pre-collegiate Summer Scholars
Three-Week Seminars
Designed exclusively for high school students, these classes are intensive learning experiences that meet Monday through Friday, combining both in-class instruction and hands-on activities or group fieldwork. Students earn three hours of college credit.
Seminars include Convergence Journalism, Environmental Biology, Urban Field Studies, Law and social Justice, Creative Writing, Entrepreneurship, and Museum Studies.
Five-Week Rome Program
Students in the five-week John Felice Rome Center program will challenge themselves as they take classes alongside current college students in the beautiful city of Rome, Italy.
Courses include World of Classical Rome, Digital Photography, Art History, Italian, Art of Listening, and Islam and the West.
Six-Week Academy
Students in the six-week academy program will challenge themselves as they take classes alongside current college students. Students may choose from any two 100- or 200-level undergraduate courses offered in Loyola’s upcoming Summer Sessions including Accounting, Heroes and Classical Epics, Romans Novels in the Ancient World, Public Speaking, Ethics, and communications, Public Relations, Developmental Psychology, Psychology of Human Sexuality, Women in Literature, Computer Graphics, Evolution and genetics, Starts and Galaxies, Introduction to Christian Theology, Introduction to the Bible, Introduction to Islam, etc.
Alternatively, students may enroll in a topic-based course cluster, which consists of two interrelated courses that explore a similar topic taught from two distinct academic disciplines.
Information 312-915-6565 or Here
Summer Pre-College Programs
Study Business, College Writing, Criminal Justice, Environmental Science, Fashion, Game Design, Sports Communication, and more while earning 3 college credits in high school.
Information available 845-575-3226 or Here
Language Schools for High School Students
Middlebury College launched its language immersion program in 1915 and has since led the world in full-immersion language and cultural education. In 1955, the Monterey Institute of International Studies began its first Foreign Studies programs and grew to become a renowned university of graduate education in language teaching, translation, and interpretation, and business and global policy. In 2005, these institutions announced their affiliation.
Study Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, and Italian at various top colleges around the country such as Green Mountain College, Roger Williams College, Swarthmore College, Wofford College, Oberlin College, Lewis University, and Pomona College.
Information 802-443-2900 or Here
Department of Music N Performing Arts Professions Summer Programs
Every summer, high school to graduate school students and faculty participate in our varied and exciting music and performing arts courses and workshops. Through these programs, you’ll benefit from masterclasses, private lessons, and performance opportunities. You’ll learn from top artists and industry professionals.
Programs include Music Technology, Music Theatre, Music Business, Looking for Shakespeare, Jazz Study, Spanish vocal, etc..
Information available 212-998-5424 or Here
During the summer the Tisch School of the Arts offers high school students the chance to participate in intensive training either in New York City, Dublin, Paris, or Singapore.
Programs of study include Drama, Dramatic Writing, Film, Photography, and Recorded Music in New York, Drama and Film in Dublin, Drama in Paris, and Animation, Filmmaking, and Musical Theatre in Singapore.
Information available at 212-998-1500 or Here
Summer Session for High School Students
Are you a high school junior or senior in good academic standing interested in a college experience this summer? If so, explore our summer session course offerings to take part in an intellectually enriching experience for four-, six-, and eight-weeks. Many courses to choose from like Botany, Digital Photography, Accounting, cultural Anthropology, Art, Communications, Major Figure in Literature, Physical and Historical Geology, Astronomy, Energy for Today and tomorrow, Disasters and Nature’s Violence, PC Database Software, Programming, Leadership, Managing, Finite Mathematics, Marketing, Sociology, Diversity, Theater Arts, Politics, Transportation, etc…
College Prep Summer Program
3-week & 9-week programs offering a wide variety of courses including Anthropology, Art Theory & Practice, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Communication, Computer Science, Languages, Math, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Statistics, etc…
Information available at 847-467-6703 or Here
National High School Institute
Approximately 700 of the nation’s best cityscape students will enroll in the Institute’s 5 Divisions: Debate, Speech, Journalism, Film & Video Production, and Theatre Arts. In each of the 5 divisions, students gain practical college-level experience in their chosen field; interact closely with outstanding faculty; tackle new social and intellectual challenges, and experience campus life with other exceptional high school students. NHSI students leave the Institute better able to make decisions about their future and many go on to study at the finest colleges and universities.
Information available at 1-800-662-NHSI or Here
Future Leader Camp
Norwich is America’s first private military college.
Attend a two-week summer camp dedicated to developing leadership potential for high school students. Participate in Adventure Training, Drill Camp, Survival Training, Team Challenges, and Classroom Instruction.
Information available at 802-485-2531 or Here
Ohio Sports Business Academy
This week-long Academy focuses on establishing a basis for which the future leaders in sports can begin their journey into the ever-changing world of sports. The OHIO Sports Business Academy will provide a full academic course worth of material in one week of work and subsequent online sessions (online sessions only for students choosing the course credit option). The Academy delivers content through classroom settings, practical experiences, guest lecturers by visiting sports executives, and field trips.
Academy participants will have the opportunity to learn from some of the top professors and sports executives within the sports industry, participate in practical experiences through a collegiate summer baseball league team based out of Athens, Ohio (Southern Ohio Copperheads), embark on field trips to collegiate and professional sports facilities in Ohio, and participate in evening networking/social activities.
The OHIO Sports Business Academy is for students who are entering their junior or senior year in high school or entering their freshman year of college. The Academy recommends applicants have a grade point average of 3.0 (4.0 scale) and demonstrate outstanding extracurricular involvement.
Information available at 267 254-1301 or Here
Summer Scholar Program
The Summer Scholars Institute, now in its thirteenth year, is a groundbreaking, intensive two-week program designed for exceptional rising juniors and seniors eager to experience the atmosphere of college with interactive courses to meet the individual interests of students. The Summer Scholars classroom experience is paired with active exploration of New York City, Broadway theatre, and events specifically designed for your chosen major for the week.
Explore Theatre, Musical Theatre, Forensic Science, Fine Arts – Painting and Design, Psychology, The Humanities, Politics and Society, The Natural Sciences, and Business Administration.
Individual majors will have a variety of activities, which may include trips to City Hall, the United Nations, museums, production stages, just to name a few. As a group, we will explore Manhattan and attend a Broadway show.
Information available at 212-346-1192 or Here
Pre-College Classes
Pennsylvania College of Art & Design offers pre-college classes for high school students looking for additional studio experiences. These classes encourage the artistic focus, thinking, and work habits expected of college-level art majors. They are an ideal way for students to develop a portfolio or add work to an existing one.
Study Figure Drawing, Digital Photography, Intro. to Painting, Basic Drawing, Watercolor Painting, Silkscreen, Sculpture, Mixed Media, Animation Exploration of Image & Words, Portfolio Prep Workshop.
Information available at 717-396-7833 or Here
Conservation Leadership School
Conservation Leadership School (CLS) is a one-week residential program for high school students (ages 14-18) to learn about the world around them through exploration and hands-on activities. It’s your ideal school, where the classroom includes over 700 acres of forest, fields, wetlands, and streams…where learning about the environment goes hand-in-hand with having fun, meeting new friends, and learning leadership skills.
Information available at 814-865-8301 or Here
Architecture and Landscape Architecture Summer Camp
For high school students interested in architecture, landscape architecture, architectural engineering, or construction management.
You can try your hand at computer drafting and design and take part in hands-on building and model-making activities. You’ll also tour the unique architecture and landscape architecture of the Penn State campus and take a field trip to Fallingwater – the famous house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. You’ll round out your camp activities with various films, campus tours, and social events
Information available at 1-800-PSU-TODAY or Here
College & Careers
This two-day career conference is designed to help students, who will be entering their senior year in the fall, gain the experience and knowledge necessary to start making career decisions about their future.
Workshops including, Bioinformatics, Game Design, Environmental Studies, Development, Packaging Science, Undecided, Special-Effects Photography, and more.
Information available at 585-475-6631 or Here
High School Summer College
Interesting courses such as Computer Science: Programming Methodology, Nobel Literature, Experimental Video, US-China Relations, Philosophy East and West, The Nature of the Universe, Game Theory for Sociology, etc…
Information available at 650-723-3109 or Here
Summer Program for High School Students
Learn Spanish in the capital of Spain!
Explore Spain’s cultural legacy in depth. Live like a local with the locals. Experience Madrid’s cultural gems. Spain’s capital is full of artistic masterpieces, as you’ll find out on visits to the spectacular Prado and Reina Sofia museums. You will also tour the Royal Palace and enjoy a fiery flamenco show. Journey to picturesque sites around Spain. Witness the legendary El Escorial – monastery and final resting place for royalty. You’ll also take day trips to the medieval cities of Segovia and Toledo, home to enchanting castles and cathedrals. Finally, savor an authentic taste of Spanish cuisine.
Leadership Institute for Entrepreneurship (LIFE)
In a simulated entrepreneurial experience as real business owners, LIFE participants work in teams, start and run their own business, and handle the success and challenges that any new business might throw at them.
The Leadership Institute For Entrepreneurship (LIFE) provides high school students entering grades 10 through 12 with a once-in-a-lifetime leadership experience.
Selection is competitive and based on recommendations, academic skills, leadership qualities and future career aspirations.
Sponsored by Sigmund Weis School of Business and Toyota.
Wind Ensemble Institute
This week-long, residential program focuses on chamber music and symphonic wind ensemble performance. Students work with Director of Bands as well as other distinguished Susquehanna faculty members.
The university reviews audition recordings and invites 55 gifted woodwind, brass and percussion players to campus for the Wind Ensemble Institute. High school students entering grades 9-12 in the fall of 2011 are invited to apply.
Selection is competitive.
Summer Advanced Writers Workshops
Experienced writers entering 11th or 12th grade in the fall of 2011 are eligible to attend the 2011 Writers Workshop.
To be considered for acceptance, students must submit a workshop application, a teacher/counselor recommendation, and a non-returnable writing portfolio containing five-six poems or six-eight pages of fiction/creative nonfiction.
Blueprint Signature Summer Programs
Get Ready for College! Get ready for the best summer of your life. Choose from such thought-provoking courses as Advertising and Public Relations and Graphic Design for the Internet. Get busy with all the exciting activities on campus. Get immersed in the historic culture of the region with road trips and off-campus adventures. Experience real life at a top-ranked liberal arts college and check out D.C., New York City, Philadelphia, and Hersheypark.
Scholarships available.
Summer College for High School Students
Offers high school students the opportunity to explore college majors and experience college life with credit and non-credit programs for 2, 4, & 6 weeks.
Study Acting & Musical Theatre, Architecture, Engineering, and Computer Science, Forensic Science, Law, Liberal Arts, Management, Public Communications, Studio Art, Interior Design, Writing, Eco-Fashion, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Product Design, Jewelry & Metalsmithing, Web Design, Recording Studio Techniques, etc…
Information available at 315-443-5000 or Here
Adventures in Veterinary Medicine Program
By spending time on the campus of one of the finest veterinary schools in the country students will get a realistic and comprehensive look at what attending veterinary school would be like. During the program, students attend lectures by our faculty, participate in laboratories and engage in hands-on activities with animals.
Study various topics in Animal Medicine such as Shelter Medicine, Zoonoses, Ethics, Emergency Veterinary Medicine, Animals in Public Policy, Hematology Lab, Suture Clinic, etc… Financial aid is available. Applications recommended before early February.
Information available at 508-839-7962 or Here
Pre-college Academic Enrichment Programs
Programs offered at U Mass-Amherst, UC-Berkeley, Oxford University, Cambridge University.
Study Abroad and Language Immersion Programs
Study language in Spain, France, and Italy.
Information available at 800-752-2250, 212-796-8340.
Summer Programs for High School Students
One of the greatest universities. . . .
One of the greatest cities. . .
One of the greatest summers of your life.
During the summer, the University of Chicago offers numerous opportunities to accomplished high school students. Tomorrow’s undergraduates can immerse themselves in the University of Chicago’s unique atmosphere as early as this summer. Choose from among the following undergraduate-level programs.
Experience a discipline in-depth and hands-on in these intensive three-week courses, as you join experts in their fields in doing what they do. Study American Law and Litigation, Ancient Egyptian Language, Culture, and History, Creative Writing: Fiction, Collegiate Writing: Art and Meaning, Developmental Psychology: Theories and Techniques, Green: Behavioral Economics and Sustainability, and Field Studies in Urban Society
Research in the Biological Sciences (RIBS)
Furthering the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, discovering how to preserve blood, laying the mathematical foundations for the theory of genetic evolution—the University of Chicago Biological Sciences Division is a leader in these and many other areas of research. This summer, learn the techniques used in this sort of cutting-edge biological research in lab facilities of a quality not found in any high school.
This four-week intensive training program is designed to expose students to a broad range of molecular, microbiological, and cellular biological techniques currently used in research laboratories.
Stones and Bones: A Practicum in Paleontology
Go into the field and behind the scenes at the Field Museum to learn how fossils are collected, analyzed, and conserved, as you work alongside museum scientists in the lab and in the field.
In Chicago, Grande and other Field Museum scientists will take you into the labs and galleries where they work and study as they introduce you to important concepts in geology, paleontological method, stratigraphy, and earth history.
Summer Quarter Intensive Language Courses
All of our summer language courses are intensive, meaning they condense the material typically taught during the ten-week quarter into a concentrated three-week format. So a student taking a three-course sequence over nine weeks will cover all of the material that is usually taught at the University of Chicago over an academic year.
Language courses in Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), French, German, Greek (Classical/Attic), Hebrew (Modern), Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Persian (intermediate), Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
UF Young Entrepreneurs for Leadership & Sustainability Summer Program
YELS teaches students about Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and Sustainability through academic courses, community service, activities, events, and field trips, and campus life.
Students earn 75 volunteer hours by participating.
Summer Journalism Institute
Come join us for tons of fun and brilliant instruction at UF’s College of Journalism and Communications. Classes are open to rising 10th, 11th and 12th graders who have recommendations from their publication advisers or principals. Selections are based on first-come, first-serve/qualifications basis.
Science Quest
Science Quest immerses rising 10th-grade students in various science disciplines to stimulate interest and appreciation for the range of college and career opportunities available in science. Students will live in a campus dorm for one week, attend a variety of lectures and demonstrations, visit research laboratories and other facilities, and perform multiple science experiments.
Science Quest participants will look through “Windows into Science” by exploring physical sciences such as Engineering, Geology, and Physics; delving into the molecular sciences, with emphasis on biomedical, forensic and environmental applications; investigating biological sciences such as Entomology, Microbiology, and Zoology; and much more.
Student Science Training Program (SSTP)
The University of Florida Student Science Training Program (UF-SSTP) in Gainesville, Florida, is a seven-week residential research program for up to 100 selected rising seniors and qualified rising juniors who are considering medicine, math, computer, science, or engineering careers. The program’s emphasis is research participation with a UF faculty research scientist and his/her research team.
Students live in residence halls on campus. They attend lectures on current topics, attend seminars/workshops in research and technical writing, ethics, study strategies, and career exploration, and gain skills in effective oral presentations. Weekend events include social and service activities, as well as field trips to theme parks, the Ichetucknee River, and other Florida places of interest.
The UF-SSTP offers the motivated student a unique and intensive learning environment designed to provide challenging and inspiring experiences and to stimulate interest in science-related careers.
Young Scholars Program
The Young Scholars Program invites high school students from throughout the U.S. and the world to an amazing pre-college experience at the University of Maryland. Rising high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors with exceptional ability and promise to pursue academic interests, discover career opportunities, and earn three university credits. This summer, be part of an international, multicultural community and experience university life at Maryland.
Study Architecture, Contemporary Moral Issues, Astronomy, The Interplay of Math and Games, Learning & Technology, Engineering Design, Kinesiology, Public & Community Health, Journalism, Contemporary Social Problems, Modern Biology, Food-Science & Technology and more…
Summer Scholar Program
About to complete your sophomore or junior year in high school?
Explore your career possibilities through the Summer Scholar Programs at the University of Miami. Each program offers a three-week, educational experience that lets you live like a college student on campus while earning valuable college credit.
Programs offered in Broadcast Journalism, Business, Engineering, Filmmaking, Forensic Investigation, Health and Medicine, International Relations, Marine Science, Sports Administration, Sports Medicine
Math and Science Scholars
A program designed to expose high school students to current developments and research in the sciences and to encourage the next generation of researchers to develop and retain a love of mathematics and science.
Study Applied Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Math, Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology, Environmental, Physics, & Statistics.
Students will spend time in research and computer laboratories, as wellas doing field work with their professors. They will catch a glimpse of the amazing career possibilities in math and science that are open to anyone with a thirst to learn.
Vision Program
Notre Dame Vision is committed to helping young people recognize God’s call in their lives and respond to that call with courage and faith.
Notre Dame Vision is a series of 5-day conferences that includes dynamic large group experiences, reflective small group time, profound liturgies, and excellent music. Speakers from all across the country will break open important themes throughout the week and help participants to relate them to their own lives. Sixty Notre Dame undergraduates will serve as mentors, whether as musicians or small group facilitators.
Information available at 574-631-7425 or Here
Summer BOOT UPI Camp for High School Students
BootUP! Camps are two 1-week day programs for High School students who excel in math and have an interest in computers. Students will spend time working on a variety of technologies, creating their own games and animations, working with multi-media textiles, and Programming in Java. The program is FREE for admitted applicants.
Applications will be available in February and due in March.
The program is open to both girls and boys with priority for students traditionally underrepresented in computer science. Courses include Computer Graphics, Computer Science, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, and Robotics.
Summer Academy in Applied Science and Technology (SAAST)
The School of Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania offers a unique opportunity for a select group of highly motivated and talented high school students to experience rigorous and challenging college-level coursework. The Academy’s intensive, three-week programs combine sophisticated theory with hands-on practical experience in cutting edge technologies such as biotechnology, computer graphics, computer science, nanotechnology, robotics, or technology and development.
Admission is highly selective.
Management & Technology Summer Institute (M&TSI)
A for-credit summer program for rising high school seniors who want to learn about the integration of technological concepts and management principles. Sponsored by The Jerome Fisher Program in Management and Technology, the School of Engineering and Applied Science, and The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, M&TSI features classes taught by leading faculty and successful entrepreneurs, field trips to companies and R&D facilities, intensive team projects, as well as other activities designed to give students the opportunity to learn about the principles and practice of technological innovation.
Engineering Summer School (ESS)
Engineering Summer School offers courses from the regular course catalog during Summer Sessions I and II. Though Summer Sessions courses are intended for current undergraduates, high school students who demonstrate advanced knowledge and strong academic preparation may apply to attend regular summer sessions.
Offerings range from Introduction to Computer Programming to advanced courses such as High-tech Venture Development and Introduction to Networks and Protocols. In response to growing interest in energy-related studies, Penn Engineering is pleased to offer more courses in this area.
StarTalk High School Academies for Hindi, Urdu, and Chinese
These intensive, non-residential summer programs engage students in a wide range of activities and projects designed to immerse students in the host language and increase cultural knowledge.
The STARTALK Hindi Program at Penn was a three-week program for high school students. The program provides real-life experience with Hindi and Hindi language speaking communities face-to-face on campus and internationally through Skype videoconferencing.
Urdu is the national language of Pakistan and is one of the most critical languages for understanding the Afghanistan-Pakistan region. It is an Indo-European language with influences from Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, and Turkish. This program will provide students with the unique opportunity to study this language before entering college. Experts in the fields of Art History, Health Sciences, History, Politics, and Literature will expose students to Pakistan’s rich history and culture, and the country’s unique place in the world today. They will also receive University of Pennsylvania credit for the course.
The University of Pennsylvania’s Chinese Language Program couples Penn’s extensive experience with intellectual development programs for high school students and its excellence in Chinese language and culture taught by nationally known Penn professors.
Rolling admissions, priority given to students who apply by June 1st.
Leadership in the Business World
Leadership in the Business World (LBW) gives high school students a college-level experience by enabling them to attend workshops taught by Wharton faculty and business experts, to make site visits to local companies, and participate in team-building activities.
4-week Credit Courses & 2-week Non-Credit Certificates
4-Week and 2-Week courses offer high school students a preview of “freshman year” through a variety of college subjects, credit being earned in the 4-week program.
Seminars offered include Acting Workshop, Basic Animation Techniques, Electric Guitar: Jazz, Rock, and Beyond; Introduction to Photography as an Art Form, Critics Choice: Film Study, Introduction to Video Game Design, Playwriting, Screenwriting, Writing Techniques for the College Bound Student, Architecture, Business, Engineering, Journalism, Pre-Health, Pre-Law, Science, Visual & Performing Arts, Writing.
1-week Non-Credit Exploration
The 1-Week Exploration on Catalina Island provides high school women and middle school girls the opportunity to learn marine science in the field at the USC Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies.
Information available at 213-743-5679 or Here
Vanderbilt Summer Academy
At Vanderbilt Summer Academy, highly gifted students can soar—learning at a rapid pace in a true community of peers.
Courses include Film Studies, Astronomy, Forensic Anthropology, Hands-On Robotics, Nanotechnology & Engineering, Math & Music, College Preparation, Film Studies: Shakespeare on Screen, Existentialism Today, Hands-On robotics, Anthropology, Med School 101, etc…
Information available at 615-322-8261 or Here
Science & Theater Magic Program
“Opening minds to the wonders of science through integration with the arts.”
Villanova University is proud to offer a unique multidisciplinary 3-week summer program for creative 13-17-year-olds who love science and are interested in teaching and performing for younger kids from Philadelphia. Villanova faculty, staff, and students work alongside young scholars in university laboratories and special workshops, helping them create, plan, and perform in an all-American School of Magic. Each summer hundreds of younger children ride the magic train from Philadelphia to spend the day at the magic school and to be inspired by the wizards that created it.
The ultimate objective is to nurture the cognitive capacities which are essential to the successful pursuit of careers in science: critical judgment, intellectual curiosity, creativity, determination, and discipline.
Computer Mapping Technology Summer Camp
Also known as Geographic Information System – learn how to map your community and environment. Study Geospatial Technology. The U.S. Department of Labor identified geospatial technology as one of the top ten high growth career fields within the United States. There are many exciting and well-paying careers that await those who graduate with the technical expertise needed to operate these complex systems.
Information available at 410-810-5767 or Here
High School Summer Scholars Program
As a High School Summer Scholar, you will explore the realities of college life as part of a small, select group for five weeks in the summer. You will earn up to 7 units of college credit that will transfer to most accredited colleges and universities, giving you a head start toward your college career. And you’ll develop academic and social skills that will give you a tremendous advantage when you leave for college. As a Summer Scholar, you will be enrolled in real college courses, studying alongside Washington University undergraduates.
Need to break out of writer’s block? Want to experience modern Japan? Itching to try on a stethoscope and lab coat? Then our High School Summer Institutes are right for you. Spend three weeks exploring your interests while living on campus or commuting from home. There is limited space available in these institutes, so submit your application early. Spaces will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Choose from one of our three institutes:
Creative Writing Institute
Japanese Popular Culture Institute
Pre-Medical Institute