We, the Archimedean Community of parents, have come together to create a platform that enhances our children’s academic experience. Our main goal is to support our students and improve the overall quality of our school.
The AMC PTO (Archimedean Middle Conservatory Parent-Teacher Organization) is a group of volunteers that includes parents, teachers, administrators, and staff. We are all committed to collaborating and striving for an exceptional and meaningful educational journey for our students. We warmly welcome you to join us and participate in our efforts.
Our Non-Profit Organization recognized that by uniting parents, teachers, and the community, we can achieve much more together. As a group of dedicated parents, we contribute our time, skills, and resources to secure various services and products at low or donated costs. This way, we can support the needs of our Archimedean students, teachers, and school as much as possible. Your support is invaluable and highly appreciated!
The AMC PTO Board
Sasha Jordan-Correa
Vice President
Veronica Shiling
Jamie Arriata
Elyanna Valdes
Fundraising Liaison
Yamilet Sotolongo
Volunteer Liaison
Iby Duran
Volunteer Liaison
Elaine Lugo
6th Grade Representative
Yuraimy Busot
7th Grade Representative
Melissa Buitrago
8th Grade Representative
Cindy Martin
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