Aviles, Diana
Aviles, Diana | ESE Specialist
Craan, Vanessa | Art & Painting Ms. Craan majored in Fine Arts/Illustration and graduated Summa Cum Laude from FIU with a B.S. in Art Education and a minor in Art History. In 2019, She was commissioned by the Organization of American States (OAS) to create an artwork commemorating the victims of slavery and the Transatlantic…
Briz, Christina | Grade 6 English Language Arts My name is Christina Briz, and I am the 6th Grade English Language Arts Teacher at Archimedean Middle Conservatory. I have a Bachelor’s Degree from FIU in Elementary Education and a Master’s Degree from Nova Southeastern University in Educational Leadership. I am certified in K-6 with an…
Weiss, Sashka | Algebra Education:Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”, City of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. I was awarded the Diploma of Master with the qualification of Mathematician and Teacher of Mathematics. In addition, I have graduated with minor in Music from the same University.Talpiot Academic College, City of Tel Aviv, Israel. Received a qualification of Senior Teacher in…