Amc Faculty Craan Vanessa

Craan, Vanessa

Craan, Vanessa | Art & Painting Ms. Craan majored in Fine Arts/Illustration and graduated Summa Cum Laude from FIU with a B.S. in Art Education and a minor in Art History. In 2019, She was commissioned by the Organization of American States (OAS) to create an artwork commemorating the victims of slavery and the Transatlantic…

Christina Briz Grade 6 English Language Arts

Briz, Christina

Briz, Christina | Grade 6 English Language Arts My name is Christina Briz, and I am the 6th Grade English Language Arts Teacher at Archimedean Middle Conservatory. I have a Bachelor’s Degree from FIU in Elementary Education and a Master’s Degree from Nova Southeastern University in Educational Leadership. I am certified in K-6 with an…

Weiss Sashka AMC Faculty

Weiss, Sashka

Weiss, Sashka | Algebra Education:Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”, City of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. I was awarded the Diploma of Master with the qualification of Mathematician and Teacher of Mathematics. In addition, I have graduated with minor in Music from the same University.Talpiot Academic College, City of Tel Aviv, Israel. Received a qualification of Senior Teacher in…