A.U.C. Class of 2013 Astonishing with their College Placement
The best college placement among ALL magnet, public, and charter schools in Miami-Dade.
We truly believe that all students have amazing potential. However, ensuring students achieve and even surpass that potentially takes a personal time commitment, high expectations, and non-stop dedication from all those around them as well, something few high schools are able to provide in full. Without a doubt though, the extraordinary achievements of our students are the products of our incredibly unique and rigorous program combined with the countless hours our teachers and administrators are willing to volunteer, well into the evenings and weekends, to make sure our students achieve their biggest dreams both in and out of the classroom. It is because of this that an astonishing 18% of our current graduating class has been accepted into the Top-10 most prestigious universities, a statistic that would rank our school among the 10 best in the country and #1 in Florida!!!
We take an incredible amount of pride in the accomplishments of our students. For us at A.U.C., our students’ successes are deeply personal. We are after all a family and are, therefore, extremely happy and so very proud to share with you Archimedean Upper Conservatory Class of 2013’s great college acceptance successes.
Please find below the list of all higher education institutions that the 33 students of A.U.C.’s Class of 2013 have been accepted into. This impressive list includes many of the nation’s and even the world’s top-ranked universities and colleges such as Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, M.I.T., Stanford, Williams, Amherst, Brown, Duke, West Point, University of Miami, University of Florida, Florida State University, and many more …..
We are thrilled as this represents the best college placement among all public, magnet, and charter schools in Miami-Dade!
As you can see, and as you surely already know, a one-of-a-kind curriculum combined with the passion for excellence exhibited by all the faculty here make all the difference in a child’s future, as it will with your child as well.
We are very much looking forward to continuing working with all of you and your children in the future so that every spring we can celebrate the same level of success together as we are today with our Class of 2013.
QQueridos todos,
Realmente creemos que todos los estudiantes tienen un potencial incredible. De cualquier modo, asegurarse de que los estudiantes materialicen y sobrepasen ese potencial toma compromiso de tiempo personal, grandes expectativas y una dedicacion sin fronteras de todos los que los rodean. Esto es algo que solo pocas de las escuelas secundarias puden proveer completamente. Sin ninguna duda, los logros extraordinarios de nuestros estudiantes son el producto de nuestro curriculum riguroso y unico, combinado con las incontables horas que nuestros maestros y administradores estan dispuestos a donar—incluido tardes y fines de semana—para asegurarse de que nuestros estudiantes puedan alcanzar sus suenos, tanto dentro como fuera de las aulas. Es gracias a esto que un increible percentaje, 18%, de nuestra Clase de Graduados del 2013 han sido aceptados a las universidades clasificadas entre las 10 mejores de todo el pais. Esta estadistica pondra a Archimedean Upper Conservarory entre las mejores 10 escuelas secundarias del pais y la #1 en Florida!!!
Cada uno de nosotros encuentra en los logros de nuestros estudiantes gran orgullo. Para todos los que formamos parte de A.U.C., el exito de nuestros estudiantes es profundamente personal. Nosotros nos consideramos una familia y por lo tanto estamos extremadamente felices y muy orgullosos de poder compartir con ustedes los logros de la Clase de Graduados del 2013 de Archimedean Upper Conservatory.
Como archivo adjunto, usted encontrara la lista de universidades a las que nuestros 33 alumnos pronto a graduarse han sido aceptados. Esta impresionante lista incluye instituciones clasificadas entre las mejores del pais y del mundo. Entre estas podran encontrar instituciones como Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, M.I.T., Stanford, Williams, Amherst, Brown, Duke, West Point, University of Miami, University of Florida, Florida State University y muchas mas.
Estamos extasiados por el hecho de que este logro representa el mejor nivel de admisiones a universidades entre todas las escuelas publicas, de programas especializados (magnet) y charter de todo el condado de Miami-Dade!
Como ustedes pueden ver, y seguramente ya sepan, un curriculum fuera de lo normal combinado con la passion por excelencia de todos nuestros maestros marca una gran diferencia en el futuro de los muchachos, asi como lo hara con el suyo.
Realmente esperamos entusiasmadamente poder trabajar con ustedes y sus hijos para poder festejar, cada primavera, el mismo nivel de exito con ustedes como lo estamos haciendo ahora con la Clase del 2013.
Class Of 2013 College Acceptances
Williams College – #1
Columbia University – #4
M.I.T. – #6
Duke University – #8
Davidson College – #12
Brown University – #15
U.S. Military A. – West Point – #18
New York University – #32
Case Western Reserve University – #37
U. of California – San Diego – #38
U. of California – Santa Barbara – #41
University of Miami – #44
Boston University – #51
Pepperdine University #54
Northeastern University – #56
Southern Methodist University – #58
Baylor University – #77
Marquette University – #83
New College of Florida – #87
University of Vermont – #92
U. of Massachusetts – Amherst – #97
University of South Carolina – #115
University of South Florida – #170
Barry University – #NA
Campbell University – #NA
Florida Atlantic University – #NA
Florida International University – #NA
Stetson University – #NA
University of West Florida – #NA
Princeton University – #1
Amherst College – #2
Pomona College – #4
Stanford University – #6
Carleton College – #8
U. of Washington in Saint Louis – #14
Vanderbilt University – #17
Wake Forest University – #27
Georgia Institute of Technology – #36
U. of California – Davis – #38
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute #41
U. of California – Irvine – #44
Pennsylvania State University – #46
George Washington University – #51
University of Florida – #54
Fordham University – #58
Syracuse University – #58
Drexel University – #83
University of Denver – #83
Saint Louis University – #92
Florida State University – #97
Loyola University – Chicago – #106
Florida Institute of Technology – #160
University of Central Florida – #174
Belmont University – #NA
Elon University – #NA
Florida Gulf Coast U. – #NA
Georgia State University – #NA
University of Tampa – #NA
More still to come …