A.U.C. Science Olympiad Team Makes History!
On May 19th, 2012, A.U.C’s Science Olympiad Team will be competing at the Nationals, setting a new record in the Upper Conservatory’s short history. After the Robotics and the History Bowl teams, the Science Olympiad team becomes the third Upper Conservatory team that earns a spot at a National competition, an amazing accomplishment for our young school of 165 students. What makes this accomplishment even bigger is that the Upper Conservatory’s team is the first high school team from Miami-Dade that makes it to the National Science Olympiad, where only the Top-60 teams of the country compete.
After losing their ticket in 2011 by only 24 points, the team was determined to make it this year. The countless hours spent after school and on the weekends building model helicopters, memorizing constellations, learning to identify American tree species, and mastering lab skills have all paid off. Archimedean Upper Conservatory has earned its place as one of the two high school teams to represent the state of Florida at the 2012 National Science Olympiad.
The path to nationals had been tense but exhilarating. The journey began on Saturday, February 25th. Before the birds began their dawn song, 45 A.U.C. students were completing final preparations to compete in the Regional Science Olympiad at Florida Atlantic University. Upon arrival, the students were hit with a wave of excitement and anxiety, for they knew any mistake could be detrimental to the team’s success. This year the competition was greater and fiercer, there were more teams, and fewer places to advance to the next level. At the awards ceremony, all three A.U.C teams sat together in suspense, waiting for the results. All three teams had medal winners, and two of the teams qualified to advance to the state-wide competition held at the University of Central Florida.
A month later, on March 24th, those 30 students made the four-and-a-half-hour drive to Orlando to compete at the state competition.
Forty-two of the best teams from all over the state gathered with one goal in mind: to win one ticket to the National Tournament.
After an exciting and suspenseful day, both Archimedean’s teams were able to enter the top ten. Out of the 23 events, Archimedean was able to medal in 11 of them, and rank in the top ten in 21 of them. This impressive performance resulted in our team ranking second out of all forty-two schools and earning a place in the 2012 Science Olympiad National Tournament.
Three AUC teams of 15 students each competed at the Regional and State competitions under the guidance and leadership of Dr. Kalai. Here is a list of all the Archimedean Upper Conservatory Olympians in alphabetical order: Alzugaray Cecily, Avila Nicole, Bardoutsos Theodoros, Barretto Isaac, Bennett Elias, Christodoulou-Rubalcava Alexandros, Curiel Francis, Delgado Christopher, Doval MariaCarla, Escalante Andrea, Fairlie Jose Carlos, Georgoulakis Ioanna, Georgoulakis Theano, Guerrero Kendra, Hidalgo Alexis, Jarquin Gabriela, Jordan Christopher, Kafkoulis Yeorgia, Kangeyan Shiva, Lavdas Mary, Lee Amy, Lopez Jose, Lopez-Bosch Camila, Lorenzo Mariavictoria, Lozano Mark, Margeti Pinelopi, Martinez Andy, Martinez Lenny, Martinez Melissa, Maspons Raymond, Menarde Antonio, Morales Alexandra, Obando Danielle, Orellanos Daniel, Osorio Julian, Perez Carolina, Shahin Alexander, Shahin Lauren, Shetty Aditya, Sosa Alejandro, Sosa Ricardo, Surio David, Theologidou Valentini, Veliz Veronica, Wdowinski Ronen.
The Archimedean Family would like to wish all the Science Olympians good luck on their competition and congratulate them for all their hard work so far. You have our full support, good luck and make us proud. We would also like to congratulate the members and coaches of the Archimedean Middle Conservatory’s team who also qualified to the National Science Olympiad for the second straight year.
The tables below show all the Top-6 performances of our students in the 2012 Regional Science Olympiad at FAU and the 2012 State Science Olympiad at UCF.
Rocks & Minerals | Ronen Wdowinski, Alexis Hidalgo | 3rd ( Bronze Medal) |
Towers | Christopher Delgado, Theodoros Bardoutsos | 4th |
Helicopters | Ioanna Georgoulakis, Alexis Hidalgo | 5th |
State Medal Count Team C-02
Event | Student Names | Place |
Dynamic Planet | Shiva Kangeyan, Mark Lozano | 1st (Gold Medal) |
Rocks & Minerals | Shiva Kangeyan, Lenny Martinez | 1st (Gold Medal) |
Forensics | Melissa Martinez, Theano Georgoulakis | 2nd (Silver Medal) |
Helicopters | TheanoGeorgoulakis, Lenny Martinez | 2nd (Silver Medal) |
Protein Modeling | Melissa Martinez, AlexanderShahin, Lauren Shahin | 2nd (Silver Medal |
RemoteSensing | Raymond Maspons, Shiva Kangeyan | 2nd (Silver Medal) |
Sound of Music | Amy Lee, AlexanderShahin | 2nd (SilverMedal) |
Microbe Mission | AlexanderShahin, Shiva Kangeyan | 3rd (Bronze Medal) |
Optics | Alexandros Christodoulou-Rubalcava, Antonio Menarde | 3rd (Bronze Medal) |
RobotArm | Lenny Martinez, Theano Georgoulakis | 3rd (Bronze Medal) |
Towers | Isaac Barretto,Yeorgia Kafkoulis | 3rd (Bronze Medal) |
Chemistry Lab | Raymond Maspons, Shiva Kangeyan | 4th |
Disease Detectives | Mark Lozano, Antonio Menarde | 4th |
Forestry | Aditya Shetty, Pinelopi Margeti | 4th |
Gravity Vehicle | Isaac Barretto, Yeorgia Kafkoulis | 4th |
Water Quality | Aditya Shetty, Pinelopi Margeti | 5th |
Write It Do It | Amy Lee, Aditya Shetty | 5th |
Anatomy & Physiology | Amy Lee, Lauren Shahin | 6th |
Astronomy | Alexandros Christodoulou-Rubalcava, Yeorgia Kafkoulis | 6th |
Technical Problem Solving | Amy Lee, Mark Lozano | 6th |
Regional Medal Count Team C-01
Tower Building | Christopher Delgado, Julian Osorio | 3rd ( Bronze Medal) |
Helicopters | Christopher Delgado, Julian Osorio | 5th |
Remote Sensing | Alex Morales, Elias Bennet | 6th |
Regional Medal Count Team C-02
Event | Student Names | Place |
Experimental Design | Veronica Veliz, Francis Curiel, Andrea Escalante | 1st (Gold Medal) |
Math Challenge | Ronen Wdowinski, Mariacarla Doval | 2nd (Silver Medal) |
Helicopters | Ioanna Georgoulakis, Alexis Hidalgo | 3rd (Bronze Medal) |
Forensics | Alexis Hidalgo, Camila Lopez-Bosch | 4th |
WaterQuality | Mariavictoria Lorenzo, Ioanna Georgoulakis | 4th |
RobotArm | Theodoros Bardoutsos, David Surio | 5th |
Gravity Vehicle | Theodoros Bardoutsos, David Surio | 6th |
Rocks & Minerals | Ronen Wdowinski, Alexis Hidalgo | 6th |
Regional Medal Count Team C-03
Event | Student Names | Place |
Dynamic Planet | Shiva Kangeyan, Mark Lozano | 1st (Gold Medal) |
Remote Sensing | Shiva Kangeyan, Raymond Maspons | 1st (Gold Medal) |
Forensics | Melissa Martinez, Theano Georgoulakis | 1st (Gold Medal) |
Helicopters | Theano Georgoulakis, Lenny Martinez | 1st (Gold Medal) |
Protein Modeling | Melissa Martinez, AlexanderShahin, Lauren Shahin | 1st (Gold Medal) |
Astronomy | Alexandros Christodoulou-Rubalcava, Yeorgia Kafkoulis | 2nd (Silver Medal) |
Disease Detectives | Antonio Menarde, Mark Lozano | 2nd (Silver Medal) |
Sound of Music | Amy Lee, Alexander Shahin | 2nd (Silver Medal) |
Microbe Mission | Shiva Kangeyan, AlexanderShahin | 3rd (Bronze Medal) |
Anatomy & Physiology | Amy Lee, Lauren Shahin | 3rd (Bronze Medal) |
Rocks & Minerals | Shiva Kangeyan, Lenny Martinez | 3rd (Bronze Medal) |
Forestry | Aditya Shetty, Pinelopi Margeti | 3rd (Bronze Medal) |
Robot Arm | Lenny Martinez, Theano Georgoulakis | 3rd (Bronze Medal) |
Experimental Design | Alexandros Christodoulou-Rubalcava, Alexander Shahin, Pinelopi Margeti | 3rd (Bronze Medal) |
Tower Building | Isaac Barretto, Yeorgia Kafkoulis | 4th |
Water Quality | Aditya Shetty, Pinelopi Margeti | 4th |
Write It Do It | Amy Lee, Aditya Shetty | 4th |
Gravity Vehicle | Isaac Barretto, Yeorgia Kafkoulis | 4th |
Chemistry Lab | Raymond Maspons, Shiva Kangeyan | 5th |