AA Says “NO” to Bullying
Archimedean Academy has a zero-tolerance policy toward bullying behaviors. Most people think of aggressive/physical behaviors when they think of bullying, but a person can be bullied without ever being physically hurt or touched! The Miami-Dade County Code of Student Conduct defines bullying as follows:
“Repeatedly using hostile, intimidating, domineering, or threatening behavior with the intent or purpose of physically or mentally hurting another individual. Bullying occurs within an interpersonal relationship characterized by an imbalance of power (physical or psychological). Unwanted and repeated written, verbal, or physical behavior, including any threatening, insulting, or dehumanizing acts, by an adult or student that is severe or pervasive enough to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment.”
While Archimedean Academy is an EXCELLENT school and works very hard to provide a caring and nurturing environment, it is not BULLY FREE. The school has provided in-house in-service training to teachers about proactive approaches to bullying. Bullying behaviors are discussed during our morning assembly. The administration has gone to individual classrooms to discuss bullying concerns, taken hard-line disciplinary measures toward bullying-type behaviors, and provided information to parents during Open House about the school’s policy on bullying. School-wide programs to reward positive behaviors such as Safety Patrol and Do the Right thing have been implemented. However, all this has still not been enough to STOP IT! Bullying is a state/district-wide concern, and state/district policymakers are starting to realize that schools need help! ARCHIMEDEAN NEEDS THE HELP OF ALL PARENTS!
The Archimedean Academy asks that all parents please speak with their children about bullying behaviors and what to do when they see it, even if they are not directly involved. BULLYING IS EVERYONE’S PROBLEM!
Below are some helpful tips on identifying bullying behaviors and strategies for bystanders.
• Don’t watch. If you feel you can’t stop it, walk away.
• Don’t react by laughing, nervously giggling, snickering, or even yelling at the person.
• The person wants this kind of reaction. Don’t give any reaction at all. Walk away and report it.
• Stop a rumor by telling the truth about the victim.
• Offer your support and friendship afterward
• Report to an adult when someone is being targeted.
• Parents, educators, and other adults need to encourage the bystander to act, or else he or she remains an accomplice to the bullying episode.
Concrete Behaviors
• Name-calling
• Rumor spreading
• Making up stories to get other children in trouble
• Telling other children not to be friends with a target child
• Hitting, kicking, tripping, or pushing another child
• Teasing other children and making remarks about their culture, religion, physical appearance, ethnicity, weight, disabilities, or medical conditions.
• Intimidating others.
• Taking other children’s possessions or demanding money from them
• Damaging property
• Bossiness
• Hiding other children’s materials
• Picking on other children, even when they’re upset
• Making threats
• Manipulating others, getting them to do things that they may not want to doAttidinal Signs
• Hot-tempered and quick to anger
• Impulsive-acts without thinking or considering the consequences of his or her behavior
• Low tolerance for frustration
• Difficulty conforming to rules
• Needs to dominate and subdue others
• Brags about his or her superiority over other students
• Aggressive toward adults
• Good at talking themselves out of situations
• Little empathy-has difficulty understanding others’ perspectives and feelings
• Engages in antisocial behavior (e.g., stealing, vandalism, substance abuse)
• Enjoys putting down others
• Treats animals cruelly
• Disrespects authority
• Enjoys fighting
• Refuses to admit fear