AMC Model United Nations Team won 1st place at the MDMUN!
AMC’s Model United Nations Team won 1st place at the Miami Dade Model UN conference on February 29th, 2020.
The team was awarded the Secretary General’s Outstanding Middle School Delegation recognition, which would be equivalent to a first place team finish.
Here is the total list of results, including the individual student awards from all five committees AMC participated in:
- Secretary General’s Award Outstanding Middle School Delegation – Archimedean Middle Conservatory
- Best Delegates – Adriana Gonzalez-Pedroso and Samantha Ynclan, representing Guatemala in the General Assembly
- Best Delegates – Andrea Taraboulos and Catalina Diaz , representing the United States in the International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
- Best Delegates – Hector Lopez and Sofia Paez, representing the United States in the UN Development Programme (UNDP)
- Outstanding Diplomats – Valery Alvarez and Jordan White, representing the United States in the Security Council
- Outstanding Diplomat – Mary Ann De La Cruz, representing Denmark in UNICEF
- Honorable Mention – Elizabeth Linares and Mariana Blanco, representing Ethiopia in UNICEF
- Best Position Paper – Sophia Reyes and Ariane Guenther, representing Romania in the General Assembly