Archimedean Schools Volunteer Policy
The Board of Directors of the Archimedean Academy recognizes that the involvement of parents in the education of their children is one of the most important factors in the success of such education. Therefore, it requires that the parent or legal guardian of each student or potential student sign a contract with the school guaranteeing that the parent or guardian will donate a certain amount of volunteer time to the school for the enhancement of the School’s learning environment.
The following policy, effective July 1, 2005, provides rules and regulations for the fulfillment of the contract:
- The time period during which the volunteer time needs to be completed coincides with the fiscal year of the school. For example, for the academic year 2005-2006, the volunteer time needs to be completed during the period between July 1, 2005, and June 30, 2006.
- The number of hours that each family will contribute is 30 hours per year. This number is constant regardless of the number of students in each family.
- The administration of the school is responsible for monitoring the tracking of the number of hours each family contributes to the school and communicating on a regular basis (eg. each nine-week grading period) to the parents the number of volunteer hours that they have completed.
- The administration will facilitate the fulfillment of the volunteer hour requirement by constructing, maintaining, and updating on a regular basis, a list of tasks that can be used to satisfy the requirement. This list will be posted on the bulletin board of the school as well as on the school’s website. There will be on-going tasks such as chaperoning and fundraising, as well as special tasks that arise from time to time such as relocating the school’s library. One week prior to the end of the school year the administration will send a list of special volunteer tasks to all returning as well as new students that will be scheduled during the summer months.
- The contract that the parent’s sign with the school shall include a line where the parent fills in any special areas that they are more interested in contributing. For example, a landscaper may be interested in any landscaping projects that the school may have.
- All families of students in Archimedean Academy, Archimedean Middle Conservatory, and Archimedean Upper Conservatory have to complete 30 volunteer hours or equivalent (equivalency has to be acceptable by the School) per school year per family.
If the family has not completed their volunteer hours prior to June 30 of the current school year, then, at the School’s discretion, the child may not be registered for the following school year at Archimedean Schools and may be placed on the waiting list.
The School strongly recommends Parents perform their volunteer hours in order to promote the Parents’ commitment and involvement in their child’s education.
If however, due to other commitments the parents cannot complete the volunteer hours, then parents may buy out the remaining hours by making a monetary contribution to the school. The one (1) volunteer hour equivalency for 2008 – 2009, 2009 – 2010 school-years was approved by the Board of Directors and set at $10.00 per hour. This contribution to the School is tax-deductible.