ArchiSci SECME Team

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE AA ARCHISCI SECME TEAM for a spectacular performance at this year’s SECME competition! A huge THANK YOU to our teacher and SECME coach, Ms. Lorie, for her hard work and dedication!
SECME encourages students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through partnerships with local universities, government, and industry agents. M-DCPS SECME hosts an annual Engineering Festival for elementary schools. Archimedean Academy participates in this event yearly. It is with great pride and pleasure we announce the following students as winners of the 2016 SECME competition.
Math Bowl – 1 st Place with perfect scores.
- Ingrid Tachim
- Nickan Zadeh
- Jeffery Jiang
- Victor Jaimes
Mouse Trap – 1st Place
- Christina Torrejon
- Jefferey Jiang
- Brandon Zumudio
- Bottle Rocket – 2nd Place
- Sophia Diaz
- Kevin Herrera
- Ingrid Tachim
FPL Generator – 3rd Place
- Aryan Lund
- Yusuf Hammed
- Sailasya Munamarty
- Nicholas Veliz
- Brain Bowl – 3rd Place
- Aryan Lund
- Ignacio Guzman
- Sailasya Munamarty
- Nicholas Veliz
- Banner – Participants
- Melania Varela
- Sharon Perez
- Taha Zadeh
Science Fair Competition
- Ignacio Guzman – Honorable Motion
- Sabrina Martinez – Honorable Mention
- Ana Ippoliti – Silver Medal