Homeroom Parent Responsibilities

Archimedean Academy’s Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

  • We support the School’s efforts to build a strong sense of community among students, parents/guardians, teachers, administrators and support staff.
  • We encourage a positive home life by reaching out to students and parents/guardians in need of support.
  • We act as liaison between the parents and the school to enrich the learning environment of the students.
  • We build a partnership within the Archimedean teachers that encourages the growth and development of our children.
  • We raise funds and donations of goods and services from the wider community to support these objectives.
  • We work cooperatively with the Principal, President of the school and the Archimedean Board of Directors to achieve the goals, which support the good of the school.

Homeroom Teacher / Parent Responsibilities Role of the Teacher:

  • To create a parent contact list for the homeroom parent.
  • To communicate to the homeroom parent what the classroom needs are
  • Classroom events o Supplies/donations o Classroom tasks
  • To remind/encourage students about PTO initiatives and follow-up as needed (collect forms, monies, donations, etc.).
  • Must be a member of the PTO and should attend at least one general PTO meeting per year.

Role of the Homeroom Parent:

  • To communicate to the classroom teacher when a parent is seeking volunteer hours.
  • To communicate to the classroom parents when the school/PTO is in need of parental assistance.
  • To communicate to the teacher the achievement level goals and results of PTO initiatives
  • (100% PTO membership drive ice cream party, 75% parental participation at Open House events pizza party, 50% parental participation at PTO general meeting and Kid’s Fun Night party, etc.)
  • To oversee basket decorations for the Food Drive. ? Must be an active member of the PTO and attend general PTO meetings
  • Should possess good communication, organizational and people skills.