The founders of Archimedean Academy envisioned a Charter school whose main goal is to provide its students an excellent education with an emphasis in the teachings of the two main branches of the 3,000-year-old Greek civilization: The Classical achievements in literature and the arts as they permeate our modern civilization and the art of mathematical thinking as the lifeline and the wind beneath modern science and technology.
A conservatory is a public place of instruction, designed to preserve and perfect the knowledge of some branch of science or art. Children blossom inside a rainbow of heritages and dreams deeply rooted in the belief that education of the highest quality will steer their lives for a better future in a better society.
The conservatory provides the students with the highest quality education. Its strength emanates from the deep sense of responsibility in helping young minds to grow and the confidence in teaching the art of thinking through mathematics and literature. The Greek heritage belongs to humanity and not just to Greeks. It influenced our modern civilization from the architecture to the literature and the fine arts. Mathematics forms the foundation of modern scientific thought and practice. Therefore, their presence in the curriculum opens the children’s horizons and provide them with a better understanding of our modern society.

Children blossom inside a rainbow of heritages and dreams deeply rooted in the belief that education of the highest quality will steer their lives for a better future in a better society