We are thrilled to celebrate one full month of fun & fresh memories!

Career Day Captivates Campers
On June 28th, our campers participated in a special Career Day! They were treated to interactive presentations by the Kendall Police Department as well as the Miami Dade Fire Rescue. Police officers gave our campers a look inside their cars and even had our students dawn bulletproof vests. One special officer had our campers revved up as he did tricks on his motorcycle. The presentation given by the fire department was just as exciting. Our students loved climbing onto a brand new firetruck and pretending they were headed to fight a fire. The firefighters were so inspired by our students enthusiasm that they allowed out students to handle and use one of their firehoses. Naturally, this was a hit with our campers and we hope to see some future firefighters and policemen come out of our camp.
Dive Into Oceanography
Our PK & Kindergarten class became budding marine biologists in this session’s oceanography course. Through the use of crafts, songs, and games they learned all about underwater creatures. Students created an octopus out of froot loops cereal and sang songs about whales. They built their own turtles and gave jellyfish a colorful new look. By introducing young campers to basic marine life, we hope to foster a love and respect for all animals. Our campers were so proud to share their newfound knowledge with the other campers. It’s safe to say they had oceans of fun!

Fashion Design Course Inspires Young Entrepreneurs
We are ready for the runway! Girls from 1st through 8th grade participated in our fashion design course. Using a hands-on approach, campers learned what it really takes to put together a successful magazine spread. These ladies learned how to style hair and match the correct hairstyle to the overall theme of their shoot. They also created some fabulous accessories to couple with their newfound skills and even made their very own lip gloss from scratch. Our fashionistas took what they learned and applied it to their very own photoshoot at the end of the session.
Creative Writing Merges Educational Values With Fun
We are ready for the runway! Girls from 1st through 8th grade participated in our fashion design course. Using a hands-on approach, campers learned what it really takes to put together a successful magazine spread. These ladies learned how to style hair and match the correct hairstyle to the overall theme of their shoot. They also created some fabulous accessories to couple with their newfound skills and even made their very own lip gloss from scratch. Our fashionistas took what they learned and applied it to their very own photoshoot at the end of the session.