Director’s Note
Galileo Galilei, the Italian polymath, astronomer, physicist, and engineer, has been called the “father” of observational astronomy, modern physics, and the scientific method. His work and discoveries have greatly impacted society and the world as we know it. Life of Galileo, the play by German playwright Bertolt Brecht is about the eminent Italian natural philosopher’s career whom the Roman Catholic Church tried in 1633 for the proclamation of his scientific discoveries. The play’s primary theme is the conflict between science and dogmatism, and the social responsibility of scientists.
Galileo is most well-known for improving the telescope and using it for astronomical observations, which led to some of his most famous discoveries. These include the four largest moons of Jupiter -now known as the Galilean moons- and the phases of Venus. Galileo’s work supported the heliocentric model of the Solar System, which was proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus and was counter to the popular belief that the Earth was the center of the universe. The heliocentric model was also contrary to the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church, which added to the controversy surrounding Galileo’s work. To make his work and conclusions more accessible to the general public, Galileo published his findings in vernacular Italian instead of traditional scientific Latin.
The play’s writer, Bertolt Brecht, was the leading theoretician of epic theatre (or dialectical theatre). Epic theatre is a theatrical movement arising in the early to mid-20th century from the theories and practice of several theatre practitioners who responded to the political climate of the time by creating new political dramas. Epic theatre utilizes techniques to prevent the audience from suspending their disbelief and seeing the theatrical play as real-life; the goal of epic theatre is to lead the audience to give their own interpretation of the story presented on stage by addressing the audience directly with analysis, argument, or documentation. This way, the audience does not identify with the actors’ emotions and is invited to think critically about the actions presented on stage. For Brecht, a play is about teaching the community through political, social, or scientific conflicts by relating them to similar contemporary tensions.
Archimedean Upper Conservatory’s Theatre team will present the play Life of Galileo by Bertolt Brecht on the stage of Archbishop Coleman Carroll High School, 10300 SW 167th Ave, Miami, FL 33196. Performances on Friday, June 3, and Saturday, June 4, at 7:00 pm. Ticket sales begin Monday, May 23, at Archimedean Upper Conservatory’s main office. The general admission is $10.
Production Staff
Translation by John Willet
Directed by Dimitris Timpilis
Co-Director Lux Vargas
Co-Director Nicole Derivet
Set, Props, & Costume Design Christina Torrejon & Dimitris Timpilis
Set, Props, and Costumes Construction Christina Torrejon, Nicole Derivet, Esteban Morales, Dimitra Pantoulia, Dimitris Timpilis, Graciela Villalobos-Torrejon, Emily Cordero, Sofia Zamudio
Music Esteban Morales
Literary Analysis Carly Coughlin
Historical, Social, Political Analysis by Christopher Cruz
History and Philosophy of Science Analysis by Dimitris Timpilis
Scientific Analysis (Physics Experiments) by Efstratios Galanopoulos
Scientific Analysis (Biology) by Jana Caban-Klepacova
Mathematics Analysis by Leonidas Artopoulos
Dramatic Analysis by Dimitris Timpilis
Executive Producer Dimitris Timpilis
Co-executive Producer Olga Bardoutsos
Producer Archimedean Upper Conservatory
Co-producer Department of Teaching and Learning, University of Miami
Co-producer Chela Villalobos-Torrejon
Poster and Program Designer Panteles Xerohemonas
Stage Photographer Dimitra Pantoulia
Social Media | Video Teaser Panteles Xerohemonas
Printing Olga Rios
Driver Luis Monzon
Catering Anitha Shetty

List of Characters
- Galileo Lux Vargas
- Galilei Alejandro Eva-Barillas
- Andrea Elizabeth Linares
- Mrs. Sarti Sarah Grimes
- Ludovico Yannis Botis
- Procurator Nicole Derivet
- Sagredo Adrian Concepcion
- Virginia Zoe Morales
- Senator Sam Membreno
- Doge Jorge Lopez
- Cosimo de’ Medici Angel Lugo
- Philosopher Charalampos Korfiatis
- Theologian Eric Giraldo
- Mathematician Kevin Fernandes
- Federzoni Tim Lozano
- The Older Court Lady Alicia Silva
- The Younger Court Lady Emily Cordero
- Woman Nicole Derivet
- The Old Woman Kevin Fernandes
- The Fat Prelate Jorge Lopez
- A Scholar Yannis Botis
- Monk Sam Membreno
- Very Thin Monk Nicole Derivet
- Little Monk Kevin Fernandes
- First Astronomer Maryann Enriquez
- Second Astronomer Anastasis Korfiatis
- The Very Old Cardinal Eric Giraldo
- Christopher Clavius Alicia Silva
- Guard Maryann Enriquez
- First Secretary Charalampos Korfiatis
- Second Secretary Anastasis Korfiatis
- Cardinal Barberini Eric Giraldo
- Cardinal Bellarmin Adrian Concepcion
- The Inquisitor Nicole Derivet
- Mucius Maryann Enriquez
- Rector Gaffone Adrian Concepcion
- The Official Maryann Enriquez
- The High Official Jorge Lopez
- The Clerk Nicole Derivet
- First Kid Tim Lozano
- Second Kid Anastasis Korfiatis
- Third Kid Sam Membreno