Six AUC 9th graders amazed the Astronaut Challenge competition

Six AUC 9th graders amazed the Astronaut Challenge competition!

On March 8-10, 2013, six AUC 9th graders amazed the Astronaut Challenge State competition! AUC participated in its very first State Astronaut Challenge. AUC Astronauts Alejandro Rodriguez, Ignacio Ortega, Elizabeth Hernandez, Nicholas Petrakis, Georges Obayi and Michael Petard, performed excellently and represented the school outstandingly in this competition. They completed the Challenge with only two…

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A.U.C. Science Olympiad Trip to Snowy Ohio: A Great Success!

The AUC Science Olympiad Team participated in the Solon Invitational Science Olympiad Tournament that took place on Saturday, February 2nd, in Solon High School, Solon, Ohio. Science Olympiad Invitational Tournaments provide Science Olympiad teams the opportunity to participate in optional `practice’ tournaments that do not affect regional or state advancement or rankings. The Solon Science…